I'm in stand, just passed my first buck of the season, a 100" 8 pt on public land. A lot of night left so hopefully his dad shows up. Set up on a transition where a hardwoods/marshy swamp/ and clear cut meets with corn about 100 yards behind me. It was my backup spot tonight, first time on the property and plan 1 didn't work out. Pretty good backup plan so far!
Ended last nights sit with some does feeding on acorns. Then right at the end of legal shooting light had a shooter walk right under me. He was wide, I'd say 18-20", at least a ten. It was tough to see but at 5 yards I could make out most of his rack. Fun encounter.
I lied about the pictures. I already got her cut up. Didn't even think about it. Hope the few I have will work for our score. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Congrats on the doe, looks like you put a good shot on her. As long as you gave two pics with you and bow it will qualify for the contest.
You need a second picture with you, the deer and the bow. Otherwise your entry will not count. Also headstrong you need to provide a scoring breakdown so we can get the points from your buck. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Congrats SMcArthur, thats awesome! My first and only sit was Sunday morn. uneventful until I let my Bow to ground. Had Deer pouring in, 14 Does total and a nice 10 Grunting chasing one, the cold snap has them confused!
I only took the one picture with a bow, went to get a some help to take an actual picture and no one was home to help. Never crossed my mind again and I quartered her out and in ice. Worst comes to worst, I'll just have to get another.
Great job s.mcarthur! I had my first ever backstrap steaks the other day and all i have to say is THEY ARE AMAZING!!!!!
I'm assuming if you post the same picture twice it won't matter. As long as you have two pictures. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I definitely saw a lot more movement this past weekend with the cold weather. I know the feeling of having my bow on the ground when a deer comes around, always frustrating. Max, can I call you Max? I put up the same picture of the deer,bow, and me, hopefully that will work. If it gets DQ'd I'll have another one to replace it(hopefully). I have a pretty good crop of does here. I also have a 8-10 point patterned best I can tell, maybe he will show this weekend, need to get him before muzzle loader opens in a few weeks.
Yeah sure, everyone calls me max. And sure it will be fine. There's a lot of season left anyway. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Selfie pics work just fine, just when you take one, move the camera to a different direction and snap another. That will fulfill the 2 required. Sometimes they are linient, especially on a doe, but technically, that's how it should be done in that situation. No worries, it'll all work out. Great job getting one down!
They shouldnt give you too much grief one a doe but the purpose of requesting two different photos is to lessen the chance of someone stealing a photo they found online and posing it as it was there own.
Just checking in. Been out quite a few times but been holding out for one of my "target bucks" but to no avail. Probably try and take a doe sometime over the weekend. Nothing too exciting down my way yet, but it is good to get out.
My old man killed a giant doe with his truck the other day. I think the cold weather is really getting the deer moving.
I'm setup tonight, saw a 145" ten cross the road last night out of our property towards a cut corn field a half hour before dark, hope he does it again!
Nothing showed, going to give the spot one more time tomorrow after work. Then the weekend I'll get to do some better sets with more time. Good luck all!