I had a busy day Sunday. After getting off work at 4:30am and finally getting in bed by 6, I got about 5 hours sleep before going to church. Every 5th Sunday, we have potluck. Good food and good fellowship. I got home and headed out to do a little scouting on the new 30 acres I have access to. I was planning to hang a set of climbing sticks and a lock-on, but found two suitable trees for my climber. Then I went back to the house and mowed my yard followed by a quick shower. About 4 pm I was on the way the woods. I put my Ol' Man in a wild cherry tree located in an old fence row. About 5:15 I had my first action, a knarly forked horn came walking in from my left and headed down the fence, passing my stand at ten yds. He had already been doing some fighting, had the ends of both mainbeams busted off which made him look like a spike. 30 min later, I saw a doe and a fawn enter the overgrown field at the east end of the fence row. I was entertained by them until I started seeing deer jumping a fence to the North. I watched as a parade of 16 does feed slowly my direction. As they came into range, I noticed a my target doe was in the group. She has to be 6-7 yo. She's a bobtail and I have pictures of her the past 4 years. She never offered me a shot, I did have a doe at 20 yds but she was facing strait at me. Then I saw another buck headed their way. He was a fork, too. A 10" on one side and a 2" on the other. They milled around for about 30 minutes. Just before dark, all 20 of them looked back to the West and started to get spooky. They turned and left the field ending my hunt. Then I saw what spooked them. My tree-hugging neighbors two big black labs. I'm really thinking about killing those dogs!!! I have a lot of does on this place, so I probably won't hunt it for a few more weeks. Maybe an big ol' buck will show up closer to the rut. I need a N, NE or NW wind to hunt it anyway. I'll be back out there. That was the most deer sightings for me on one hunt in a long time.
Have to admit - I'm jealous of everyone out hunting! I won't be out until Saturday unless I can find a way to sneak out of work a little early one night this week. Maybe tomorrow ahead of this cold front - we'll see how it goes. Otherwise I'll be in stand on Saturday morning. Can't wait!
I know this guy is still around as of a few days ago and he's the biggest "local" buck I'm getting pics of, so if he walks by it could be night-night for him.
I finally got a picture of a buck that I'd consider shooting. He's not a giant but with the amount of road hunting that goes on around hear if he gives a shot I better take it. Two years ago I let a nice young ten point walk only to have someone else shoot him.
Went out this morning and got skunked again. It's unseasonably warm here in Ohio. Temps only dropped to about 65 this morning. I'll be back out Friday morning to give it another go. Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
Finally a strong cold front showed up today. I have Friday off work and the the temps all weekend will be in the 40's with a good chance of showers and even some snow. Hopefully the deer will be up moving around abit more. If enough rain falls I plan on still-hunting alot!
I may do a little hunting Saturday morning if it's not raining. I have to work again Sat night. Sunday should be better, low around 31 with winds out of the N 9mph. Wind should be perfect to go after that 9pt or his daddy.
Haven't been out yet....Hopefully Saturday evening.....Got a few bucks close to the stand on film nothing huge,but there's a few around anyway... Hopefully I'll see the first buck although the second one isn't too big he's got crab claws on both beams....Kinda different! Notice the times on the cameras...The dates are wrong as it won't stay,but the time is accurate.... Date was actually 9/21/12.....18 yards from one of my stands.....
Another warm morning. Temps around 60. Just saw my first deer of the year though. It was a small 6 point. Cold front moving through this weekend and of course I'll be out of town and unable to hunt... :-( Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
Packing up and heading out for the weekend! Looking forward to getting out in the woods again! Good luck to all my team members!
I thought October 15 was an early start to the season ya I was wrong it seems I'm the latest to start. 10 days feels like a lifetime.
FINALLY getting into a stand tonight for the first time. I've got a good wind for three of my favorite stands, so I'm not sure where to go yet. Either way, I can't wait to get out there. It's been too long! Hunting tonight and all weekend. Good weather, good wind, good mood times. Could be a a recipe for an early season buck.
Sat in a stand a few hours after work this morning. Saw a spike and a 5pt with a 4" spread. Things were slow so I did a little light rattling and those jokers showed up. They walked off and I rattled them back in about 30 min later. It was a fun morning. Not so much fun this afternoon. Almost 2hr into a twelve hour shift on less than 5 hours sleep. Oh well, I'll try again tomorrow afternoon.
Saw a doe and a buck gruntin in the thick bushes couldnt tell how big he was but gonna go after him again one day to see what he is
Friday was a great day in the woods. Sat in one of my creekbottom stands and watched two young bucks spar. By noon I hiked up to a spot I call Monster Knob and peaked over the edge and sure enough a mature buck was bedded there. I shot some video of him and crawled back to ponder how to get a shot at him. The wind was out of the north and swirling abit. To make a long story short he must have caught my movement and he left down the ridge. He was'nt to spooked so I setup a natural blind and I showed up this morning with a dusting of snow, before daybreak. Watched 3 does below but no buck. Could'nt stay long so I left a trailcam, maybe I will have a pic of this guy by next weekend. Plan on hunting another stand tomarrow in a spot I call The Buck Bowl. Good luck everyone!
Well this cold weather and a good moon definitely had the bucks on their feet this weekend. I ran into a nice 2 year old on Friday night, Saturday morning I passed a couple shots on a doe with a fawn, then Sunday morning I got busted drawing back on a doe, and last night I passed on another doe with a fawn and saw a couple good bucks bumping some does around in a cut corn field. I know probably 1/2 dozen people who killed monsters this weekend - I'm talking 170+ inch deer. The were definitely out and about. I'm putting my money on the next great weekend of hunting to be the 20th-21st. The moon will be right again and provided we get good weather it could be some great pre-rutting activity. Mark it down.
Went out this morning and the conditions were perfect. Low 30s, slight breeze in my face, the only thing missing were the deer. Got down from my stand about 9:30 due to having to go to class. I was hunting a property that takes about a 500 yard walk from the neighbors barn where I park. The walk is mostly down a set of powerlines and right behind the neighbors barn next to their pasture I've got a small food plot planted. This plot isn't really a killing plot as it's out in the open and there aren't any good trees to hang a stand over the plot. However, it helps keep the deer in the area and we've got stands in the woods surrounding it. As I walked up to the plot I saw there wasn't anything in it so I walked over to pull the trailcam card. At this point I took arrow off the string and back in the quiver. After retrieving the card, I'm walking back down the powerlines to my car and I see a 6 point run off about 60 yards away. Then I notice a shooter buck 45 yards away from me. I went to nock the arrow but he took off. I still have no clue where these deer came from because I walked right through where they were to retrieve the card. All that time on stand this morning and then the last place I expected to see something is where they are! Guess that's hunting. At least I wasn't near a stand when he busted me. Hope he's back.