I personally never put much stock into summertime trail cam photos. In my areas most of the bucks will disperse when the velvet comes off and you may not see them ever again. It seems like the years I've got great summer photos I never kill anything good. Then on years when I've got jack on cameras, I kill a nice buck or two. Just how it works I guess! Looks like we've still got a few no-shows for the team as well. I'll PM them today and see if we can get them to check in.
Ya it's a weird year for me too not really a shooter caught on film yet. I usually have atleast 1 nice buck taking pics by now!!
Hi fellow bowhunters, my name is Tyler, I started bowhunting since age 16. Bowhunting is my passion! I'm excited to participate in this contest with die hard hunters such as youselves. I hunt public land here in the Black Hills of SD. The 8,000 acre recreation area that I've been hunting now for 20+ years is archery only. I have 2 trailcams that I've been using now for the last few years, and this year I have 5 nice buck pics. My vote is for Justin and I like the team name. Go team!
Checkin in! Hey guys, just checking in. Got a few good bucks on trail camera and I'm excited to get out in the stand in a couple weeks. I can't believe the best time of year is here!
Checked a few cameras last night - one of my main targets disappeared a few weeks ago and hasn't been back yet, which seems to be his M.O. this time of year. However, one of them was still around as of 3 days ago. Had another real nice 3 year old show up, right around 130 or so. He's the type of buck I really want to let pass, but depending on how things go he may get an arrow if the timing is right. One month from tomorrow. Can't wait!
My season starts two week from tomorrow! Anyone else start before Sept 15 or am I going to be the first to get a chance to draw blood for our team?
Thanks Bowsie. Just got back from checking a trailcam and setting out my new Covert mp6. I also hung another stand, now I have 2 left to setup. The season here starts Sept. 22, can't wait! Best of luck everyone.
Justin it looks like we're only missing one member. Lets bombard him with PMs. Hopefully he'll check-in in the next few days.
One month from today for us. Can't wait! Good luck to all my team mates! Let kick some Whitetail a**!
I've got four weeks to go here in Ohio! Just got my bow tuned up and it is shooting great. Can't wait! Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
I was just thinking that! Tapatalk lists all the recently commented threads and all the others seem to be really active. I'm sure it will pick up more once we can hit the woods! Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
Got a half decent Buck on film at last camera check....Hoping for daddy though as this buck looks like a 2.5 year old See Video here:http://youtu.be/8XzY6olCpbw http://youtu.be/kVuTtdGOEV8
Still no shooter bucks for me on camera. I've moved a couple cameras around hoping for better luck. Been seeing lots of does, so hopefully the bucks will show up soon or later to find the girls.
I'm in the same boat no shooters on film yet but I know they are in the area. Tons of does on the cams so I know in a month it will be all good!!!!!
Well, one of two bucks from last season I was hoping would show up finally did! This is a deer we call Goldberg. Should go solid 160+. Last year he was a night-time mover only, so I'm hoping this year he comes out to play during the day. He's in the background of this pic with another 150 in the foreground.