I was a little more optimistic after the improvement first day or so, but hate to say not feeling good at all. Think I'm gonna get it checked out this week if just to play it as safe as I can. If it's damaged and gonna need work I want to get it done as soon as possible, or if they have other directions for it to go. Might have to get the gun out if I plan on any deer this year, but that's just cause I don't want to go without. I picked up the recurve and wanted to see how it felt just raising a bow and if putting any pressure towards pulling was gonna work. Raising it is doable and some movement. Any pressure towards drawing and I'm screwed. I knew I wouldn't be able to full draw, or try, but any pulling at all hurts horribly. This really sucks. Some of the other stuff I'm not looking forward to is our little man just passed 11 months and is on the verge of walking, probably not the best for if I'm having no shoulder activity. Crawling already hes a handful. I lucked out this past spring with knee surgery (miniscus and acl removed) when he started crawling and I was able to be mobile right away. I didn't mention it on here yet but we found out right before season started that were expecting another kid in May. Pumped for that, not pumped to think that I might not be in best shape for that. Last time my wife was rough after delivery for a while so I needed to do everything for both of them and if I'm not able to not sure how things will go. Gonna keep icing and trying to rest it and we'll see when I can get in for it now. Good luck to everyone else. Not what I was hoping or expecting for this season in any way Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Very nice. I pulled back on the same doe twice yesterday just didn't like the shots. Saw 2 bucks one small six and the other one I could not tell for sure and only had seconds to make up my mind and I let him walk. He went in front of a camera so I will know friday if that was a good move or not. All hell should brake loose in about ten days.
Thanks guys!! Things have been pretty slow for me up until last night! This doe was pretty smart she busted in this location last week so I moved my set over a couple trees and stayed out of there for a few days. When I went in to this stand location last night I put down some Don Bells hot mama doe estrous and she actually followed the exact trail I left behind and came in on a string. I have never had a doe follow an estrous scent trail before, but before she walked into my shooting lane she looked up at the tree I was set up in last week when she busted me. After she saw that I wasn't there she proceeded on unaware that I was sitting just a couple trees away! It was a 27 yard shot a touch high but she went right down no track job required!!
Nice job! Glad to see you put one down! Had a buddy rattle in an 8 point over the weekend which has prompted me to get out the rattle bag and start trying to bring in some business!
Seems like quite a few guys have been having luck doing that on the forums. I've got a new shooter on camera that my buddy has seen a few different times in our field during the daylight hours.
Good to see we are getting some does on the ground for some early points. Congrats! It's been a slow start to the season so far but I had 3 does and a 6 pointer show up on Sunday morning so things are starting to pick up. I freshened the mock scrape and cleared the leaves off of my "better late than never" late planted honey hole food plots on the property. The weather forecast shows somewhat colder temps and very little wind for Thursday so I plan on taking off work to hunt and will be in the stand again all weekend. Good luck out there...
Good Afternoon Gentlemen! So I went out after work last night and finally saw one of my two bruisers from the tree stand. I have a beautiful large racked buck that none of us had seen until two days ago. One of my buddies was out and said he saw a monster from one of our sets. I went there last night and sure enough he was still hanging around the area. I am hitting the same stand this evening and hopefully he will decide he wants to live on my wall from here on out
Good luck! If everything goes according to plan and no breakdowns, I think this will be our last weekend combining corn. Then it's on to tillage which isn't as time consuming because we run it 24/7 with three guys. More time to hunt hopefully starting soon!
Good luck to you guys. I may have not got my shoulder as bad as expected. Got it checked out and been keeping with icing, ibuprofen, etc. the swelling cut down tons yesterday and got pretty good movement going again. Few twists and pushes still have problems, hoping and probably some bad strains but not critical at least. Had to test little bow pulling again. Way better. Didn't push it but thinking may have potential if it keeps improving. That swelling and binding freaked me out but with that down it changed a ton. Hopefully I'll see maybe Sunday how it feels for next week and if good get some shooting in to refresh and check cams and see about getting out. I was watching a fork and 6 sparring some the other night and checked cams and just after dark and middle of the night two decent ones are going at it most days. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Awesome! Great job! I've only out once since my season opened Monday. Nothing to report. Still plenty of time. Good luck everyone.
Well I have hunted the last three days and it has been does galore!!! I haven't seen any bucks on stand but I have a few small bucks showing up on cams over the last week. I have one more day to hunt before we leave for Disney for a week. Hopefully I can put a buck down before I leave!!
Sorry I haven't been on much. Due to working and tryin to get out an hunt not much computer time. See that we have got a few points on the board. Congrats fellas. I haven't really seen much this season so far. Probable due to about 75% of our corn and everyone else's is still in the fields. Did manage to go for drive last week and see a really good one. Waited til wind was right and went in and hunted him. Had him come to about 40 yards only to give me no shot. I knew he was big when I glassed him from the road but had no idea how big he really was. He has the potential to hit boone status. Seen him again on another field tonite while shining, making a scrap. Got 2 cameras up so hopefully I can get his pattern down and make something happen. Until next time good luck everyone and stay safe.