Nice buck. I had a slow Saturday saw one doe. Had that 130" 8 on cam again kind of blurry he is moving thru. Can't believe all of the acorns this year. The cam is in a small oak and it is even producing as you can see. It's early and a lot of crops are still in, but it sure looks like it will be a great year.
Awesome buck. The character is sweet, along with size. I'm getting out tomorrow and Friday for sure. Saw one of my shooters accross the field tonight with 10 min of light left. He's probably little over 100 - 110. Same conditions for tomorrow so I'm gonna set up for that spot and hope he repeats. Checked cams and got him and another back on again so this cold must be getting them up some again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sat in one of my favorite stands last night. Saw 5 full grown does. I like how many does I am seeing this year. Where there are does...there are bucks! I have a crazy busy week at work so I won't be doing much hunting this week. I think only tomorrow and wednesday nights. Then I am off Friday and will be hunting morning and night Fri-Sun back in Adams County, IL where I grew up. Best of luck to everyone this week if you manage to get out!
Hunted last night out at my new lease. Saw a couple does and Had an opportunity to take one but decided against it!! There are a couple nice bucks on the property so I will do a little more scouting this week. I probably won't be back in the tree til Wednesday morning.
Here's a shot of the one I saw yesterday That was 40 min before stepping out. The spot I got the pic isn't good for shooting so gonna be field edge. Hopefully next pic is with him. Or probably pouting without but shooting for optimism. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No luck on him tonight. Wind shifted and think that it may have gotten towards his route, or just may not have repeated. Did have a cool encounter with the doe and twin buttons. They came around the edge of the field and passed about 1.5 yards to my right. One took a nibble from a twig t could touch with my arrow. Then the ma came and ate within 5 yards and grunted to them. Then a mole at my feet crunched a leaf and got her marching and stomping away then out of sight she blew and they ran. That was just after time to go in so guess it worked to clear my path just not how I woulda picked. Not as great as shooting something, but was another sweet experience. If I didn't have my bow in my hand I coulda tried to pet the spike. I'll be out again Friday, we'll see what happens then Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Friendly reminder from Fitz to make sure we include all necessary information when we submit a deer. Otherwise it won't count.
Yeah what a mess that turned into on the scorecard thread! I opened it up expecting to see a pile of deer scored only to find that garbage!!
I will be back in the stand tomorrow morning!! Going to take a couple days off to hunt before the October lull!!
Good Luck Lung Buster! I will be in a stand as soon as I get off work this afternoon. I am ready to see some antlers from the deer stand!
Good luck to you guys. Hope to see pics and stories soon, and of course I'd love to add one of my own Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So I went out hunting yesterday after I got off work. I went to one of my spots that I have not been this year. The wind was perfect and I was looking forward to a good night in the stand. I got settled in and instantly the squirrels were eating locust pods around me and it was really calm. I had been in for about ten minutes when WHHAAMMM. The neighbor decided to start sighting in one of his high powered rifles. Believe me I am a huge gun enthusiast but figured he would take a couple shots and be done for the evening. Boy was I wrong. Instead he took a shot just about every 5 minutes from 4:45 - 7:00. I figured that surly he would stop once the sun was setting but instead he took his final shot about 6:55. I was so ticked that I got out of my stand about 15 minutes before last light and on the way out did manage to kick up 8 does in the bean field I was hunting near. Ok my rant is over! Hopefully this weekend will bring calmer hunts where I can relax and actually hope to see something out of my tree
Well I hunted the last two days and saw two does in two days! Not great! Pulled my cards and the deer are moving in the middle of the night at all my stand locations. I am guessing this moon has them moving very late. Forecast says rain over the weekend so I am not sure how productive it will be but I will give it a go anyway!! I hope some of you guys are having better luck than me!!