Thanks! Have about 30 mins left. Only saw 4 raccoons so far. Good luck to you as well! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Meat in the freezer and 50 points for the team. Not much story but I'll lay it out once she is on ice Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Thanks yall. I was about to give up on seeing anything, but as they so often do, a doe and fawn just materialized out of thin air. They walked in on the same path that I used to get to my tree, and were slowly feeding into my shooting lane. They really took their time though and I had drawn back expecting them to continue on, so I was stuck for close to a minute before she finally took the needed steps to give me a good shot. I did hit her a bit higher than I intended because I had misjudged my yardage a little. At the shot she jumped about 5 foot straight up, and took off at a dead run making it about 40 yards before crashing. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Congrats on the successful doe harvest guys. I was able to make it out sat night. Saw quite a few and was drawn back on a doe at 20 yards but had some corn leaves blowing in the way so I let down. Then she turned and fed strait away from me. Guess she can live for a few more days. Last football game is tuesday night and then that should free up some more of my time. Good luck this week weather is looking better all the time.
Looks to be an incredible cold front coming up through here. 71 for the high on wednesday, and 47 for the high on thursday! Now just to get off work early enough!
Agreed! Hoping to get out Friday. High in the low 40’s. Taking my kids duck hunting Saturday so Friday will probably be my only time out this week Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Congrats on the doe. Not a shot I would take, to much margin for error, but you pulled it off. This cold front is looking heavenly. I'm debating taking off work tomorrow to get out right after the rain Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk