So, so, close tonight. I had a solid 150's buck and another, following 10 does right to me. They were going to pass at less than 10 yards for a chip shot. The lead doe was already at 22 yards and the biggest buck was at about 60 when a coyote popped onto the ridge and started trotting straight at them. Some of the does bolted right by me and the two bucks ducked for cover. I climbed down early and headed out. Interference has been my curse this year. I have never had this many hunts messed up from things beyond my control. It has almost gotten comical. Quite honestly, the only reason I even went tonight was because I feel guilty about not putting a buck up on the scoreboard yet. Shotgun season opens on Saturday and it looks like I will likely be hunting the late season with my bow. Don't give up on me yet. I may not kill a big one, but I will do my best to get a buck on the board.
LOL! Honestly Christine, its as if someone has a voodoo doll with my name on it this year. At this point, all I can do is laugh about it and know that some day I will break the curse! :p
Been hunting hard here but it's gone cold, no movement, I'm gonna stay after it but it isn't looking good.
Well today was the last day of season here in MI. Got out a couple more times but didn't see much of anything.
Well guys, my season is over and no buck with bow. First time in several years. I passed a few decent ones but nothing really big. The number of mature bucks here is as low as I have seen for over 20 years. EHD, poaching, and increased pressure has hurt us. I did see quite a few nice young deer that I can only hope will get a chance to mature. I did kill a couple of bucks with the muzzleloader, and several does with both bow and muzzy.
My season runs out next week, been patterning a decent 8 point but it seems every time I go he doesn't come in