moved a stand today in the rain as well as checked a couple cameras while I was out there. My number one target buck is showing up every couple days around 415/430am right by one of my stands, and he is now hard horned. Have a nice video of a young buck shedding his velvet and another young 7pt working a scrape a few days ago as well. Tis the season!
802 sounds like venison is going to go good with the bear meat. Sent from my iPad using Forums
I believe they will pair great together! And my bear could use some company in the freezer as well, I'm sure they would get along just fine in there.
Hey gents... Lord willing, I plan to be in my tree stand in Arkansas on Thursday evening for the first time. Can't wait. I am hunting the base and unfortunately, it has a doe before buck rule. So I will be looking to score on a slick head. Good luck to all who are going soon. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Unfortunately yes Ash. It really does get a lot of pressure. Mainly because it produces some very big deer. I think a lot of people like the idea of being able to hunt deer within a high fence. Plus they can be baited on base unlike public land in Arkansas. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
So I pulled my camera today and it looks pretty solid for some daytime movement of deer especially right at sunrise and in the evening before dark. A few bucks right now but some very consistent does. Of course with the doe before buck rule, I am looking to score a doe tomorrow. Can't wait. I have some high hopes. I wasn't able to score a deer last year with a bow. That was the first time in a long time. So really looking forward to my sit! I will keep y'all posted Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Sent from my iPad using Forums[/QUOTE] Wow, that IS pretty wild. CWD? Pretty crazy. I finished up in Wyoming with three does and a buck. Freezer full and gave two deer to friends. Had a great time and saw enough game to last a long time. I'll be back home in Texas tomorrow and then Friday will head to the lease I picked up and some public land to scout a bit. I have entered my buck and a doe so that score should post when they update the score card. Sounds like you guys are having some deer moving around closer to daylight. In a couple of weeks it's going to get exciting. Good luck fellas!
Taking off work in a few hours to set up my stand for a park hunt that runs tomorrow - Sunday. Highs in the 50s, lows in the 30s, and taking off work on a Friday to sit in a stand? Yes please!
Alright...I am all set up and on stand. I am ready for a doe to step out! I have high hopes for this hunt. It is the last cool day before temperatures get hotter for the rest of the week. Plus it's been raining most the day and stopped a couple hours ago. It is nice and quiet in here. Didn't spook anything on my way in Here goes!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
This stinks man. 2 big bucks right now in the corn that I cannot shoot. Would be my best bow kill buck ever. Bummer. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
A 3rd little buck joined them and then they just left out. Not spooked at all though. Just need a doe down so I can get a crack at one of those guys. Still have about 45 minutes of daylight... Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Well, no deer tonight. Stood up to draw on a doe but she saw me and took off. Bummer. Oh well. It was still a great night with a lot of action. Sent from my iPhone using Forums