thanks fellas! dropped her off to a small family butcher shop in town that I've know for years known for bear processing to have him do it correctly so I can get my loins, steaks. Then the rest I'm having him make half into breakfast sausage and the other half will be maple sausage (we live in Vermont, you're damn right it's real maple sugar/syrup) being my first bear I didn't want to risk spoiling the meat and such trying to process it all myself. Any fat left on and not cooled enough ruins the meat right off so I didn't want to chance that. He is also caping out the bear so I can get a 1/2 body mount of it as well as I'll get the skull back after it's had the beetles hit it! Pick up my meat early next week and the mount/skull will be about 11/12 month turnaround after I get over to pick out my form. He also stated judging by the Bears canine teeth that he feels it'll age out to over 4 years old! Way above my estimation - but time will tell when ever Vermont Fish and Game gets back to me with the results as they collect a tooth from all harvested bears in the state.
Good for you 802! That's awesome. Well, I signed the lease today so I have 500 acres to figure out how to hunt. Unfortunately, I won't be able to go to it for a couple of weeks as I leave Thursday for Wyoming. Will hunt there for a couple of weeks for a whitetail buck and doe. My son Dustin is "Dubbya" on the prostaff here and he owns Bighorn Outfitters where the guys did their antelope hunt that was on Bowhunt or Die last week. They have been killing some really nice mule deer but I'll be hunting for whitetails. When I get back at the end of September I'll be able to take a look around the new lease. This is my first experience with a lease as I typically hunt public land so we'll see how it goes. It's about time to kill some deer fellas...get'em!
Nice bear 802!!! That’s a exciting hunt and from the ground!!! I went bear hunting 2 years ago in northern Wisconsin, but didn’t connect with a bear. I did have one stand on its back legs and lean on my tree while he tried to figure out what I was. He even took a bite at my lifeline lol. His head was only 5 feet from my feet!!! It was a awesome experience. Hopefully Ill get to hunt them again someday. Sent from my iPad using Forums
We have a celebrity on our team!! WooHoo!!! I agree. It is time to put some deer down. I won't be out this weekend. I don't have camo shorts and a t-shirt. Heading back towards 90 again here.
LOL, Yep I'm DeCroo's dad No celebrity status here but I do get called "grandpa Jerry" for the two weeks I'm there and that is PRICELESS! Let's get'em boys!
he better put his ol man on a studddd! Hah. Best of luck out there sure it'll be a hell of a time! Can't wait to make it out there one year.
Good luck out there Jerry!! I'm hoping that next weekend is going to be cooler. It still sounds like it is going to be hot and humid this weekend. I'm going to try and get some honey out of one hive. The other 2 are still figuring out what they are supposed to do.
Well, I've officially made it to opening day eve. I'll be heading out to the Minnesota Valley NWR tomorrow morning with my short sleeves and thermacell. Calling for a high of 87 with a south wind...not the best deer hunting weather but I'm not missing it for nothing!
The buck I have been chasing for 2 years now has shown back up on camera after going AWOL for the last two months. A bunch of logging is occurring on a farm I hunt so it pushed him off his usual corridor I find him in, I put the boots to the ground during bear season and got into some spots I haven't checked out before and found a hellacious trail I figured he must be moving on as well as a deer foot print bigger than my hand I knew had to be my boy, Biggie Smalls as I named him last year. Very unique brows that are easy to pick out. Vermont buck I would love to tag with the bow. We don't grow them like you boys out west but the last three years on this property I have had a couple bucks that will score over 100" - the biggest buck I had on camera last year was shot during rifle season and scored 138" and went #10 for biggest buck shot in the state of VT for 2017. Biggie packed on an easy 20"+ inches from last year and turned into a 9pt, want to be 10pt. This buck as kept me up at night for two years now and its about time to end the story with him. Down with Christopher Wallace!!!! Hah Good luck this weekend boys shoot straight!
That's a beautiful buck bro! Hope you get a crack at him!! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Opening Day- first car to the parking area and all settled into my stand 45 minutes to legal light. Wicking base layers are getting a workout today. Had a deer under me 20 minutes to legal time, and then 2 guys walk all around me with 8 minutes to go trying to find their tree. Hate that! Such is life on public land though.