What a great night. I didn't see a bunch of deer however I saw the right deer! Had a 165" buck coming in on a wire 30 minutes before dark. At 45 yards he took another trail. I am going back in first thing in the morning to see if I can catch him going to bed. I will say I missed a yote at 7 yards. Shot right over his back! I also had one lonely doe keep me company for over 40 min. I had her right below my feet for quite awhile. I must be doing something right on the scent as I left my pack on the ground. Her nose was two feet from it and she never even twitched!
shot a buck on Sunday...couldn't find him! i hit him high, just behind the shoulder. i put out more cameras in his travel areas to see if he shows up. ill be hunting all weekend so maybe ill get a doe or one of the hit-listers!
been seeing tons of does and a couple dink bucks. I probably wont hit it to hard until the third weekend in October. It's been tough finding time to get out with a toddler and and infant with a wife that works second shift 4 days a week.
"Please remind your teams to include the datre and time of their kills. I've been PMing those that have left it out, but it's getting tiresome. I update the scorecard on Friday mornings, from now on I'll leave out their score for that week if the info is missing." You guys have to do what the rules say.. or it doesn't count. You heard the boss.
Hey fella's..... buck down....pics and story to follow Reese pics....headin out to work..story/score/time to follow
Congrats to everyone who is killing! I'm getting out tomorrow and Tuesday nights. Ill get something for sure!
Vacation time!!!! 4 weeks to get it done. good luck all, i wont have access to a computer from 11-2 thru 11-11, but ill try to check in via my phone.
Checking in ! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Been hitting it hard.... Things aren't going so well here. I am just not seeing the deer I was seeing pre-season. I've had more blanks this year then the last 5 years combined. I've hunted an average of 3 times a week since opening day, 15+ different properties... I can't figure out whats going on! I've tried hunting over different food sources, deep in the timber, water holes and bedding areas... These last two weeks have just been awful. I hunted this evening up by the lake and had a mountain biker ride through the middle of the woods around 4 PM no more then 40 yards from me. He blew right through the hardwoods and bedding area I was anticipating the deer coming from. Another blank! I am so depressed right now....
saw a booner tonight while in the stand!...then driving up the road i almost hit him with the jeep. crazy!!!!