Well you sir are lucky, the bugs here in Illinois this year are horrid! Is anyone able to make an avatar? I would try to put I do not own a computer or anything just an iPhone lol.
Hello fellas, just wanted to stop in and say good luck this season. Hunt hard and above all HUNT SAFE!
i still got two weeks..stand is up, need to camo it a little better tho (add some limbs and what not to break me up some) , prolly head out tomorrow to do that then stay out of there till opening day. good luck all... and BE SAFE
Gettin pretty jelly listening to you guys, let's see some points here soon. Still got a month before I can get out.
Since nobody else has voted for someone else to be captain. Invisible man has my blessing to go ahead an be captain. If everyone else agrees
My buddy called in a 6 by 6 for his 12 year old and he didn't get a shot off. In at 20 yards, don't have the heart to tell that kid I haven't been that close and I'm 40 :-). We heard 3 or 4 other bulls bugle back but nothing would come in.
I bet he was excited. Now I really can't wait I'll have both tags in hand when I finally get back home. First shooters I see I hope I can get my arrow through em. I have a few spots that are lookin promising. Good luck to each team members an be safe
I wasn't able to make it out on Monday but this weekend is looking pretty darn good to get out with a cold front moving through on Friday. I'll probably only get to hunt once this weekend but I'm going in ready to shoot anything that moves, we need some meat!
It starts here on Sat. I can hunt almost from early Sept. to Dec 31. Then off to Arizona the second week of Jan. for spot and stalk Mule deer. Good luck to every one hunting this weekend.