I saw something but no idea what it was tonight. I did have these guys on camera which is way more than I have at the cabin.
BJE80, You need those guys moving in the daytime! 13 Days now until I join you guys out in the woods for whitetail! Can we get some treestand view photos from the guys already out hunting?
Once the corn gets harvested their habitat will be reduced by 95%. And I have the largest block of woods in the area.
N0.6Hunter If I get out tonight I'll try and take a few. Getting some showers right now though,so might be stuck home!
Rain is always a damper! I've learned over the years, though few, that the rain doesn't bother anything enough to keep me away. The majority of the time I went out late due to rain, I've either walked up on deer in my area or walked up on them, walking away. This past spring turkey season a buddy and I slept in on a rainy day, later that morning we walked up on two toms less than 20 yards from our blind. It was truly a "doh" moment. Hopefully it slows down so you can get out there youngfart!
Got on stand @4:45 Didn't make it to 5 yards from the tree and crash boom, trees are breaking and falling.not one moose but a bull & 2 Calfs & momma. The rutt is starting for the moose. I better start hunting my location next week for them.Been around me for an hour now.I'll try and get a picture. Later. Rocky
Well guys, I had about as good a sit as possible without killing a deer. I needed 10 more minutes if light and I'd have tagged the big light colored 10. I had 11 deer come through tonight, one was a 130 class 8 pointer that I know from last year and on trail cam this summer. It's tough to pass him, but I really try to hold to my 4.5 year old or 150" standard. I was sitting a 4 way pinch tonight and the light 10 and big 9 were the last two deer to come through from my west headed through the drainage going east. It was such a rush just seeing him. He's almost a buckskin color in person. If really like to put my tag on him! That was probably my last sit for a while. Tomorrow is my five year anniversary, I'm working the weekend, and then flying to New Hampshire for 8 days to visit my parents. Sorry I couldn't seal the deal tonight, but there's plenty of time left this season. Good luck to all!
Jeff Don't have to apologize for nothing, enjoy your time with your parents,were only around for so long. Glad you had a good sit,so did I,but I never had a chance at a whitetail,till my walk out. On my way in the bush exploded, literally man ,trees were falling over and bush was cracking everywhere. I got 5 yards from my stand and that happened. I could see a calf and the cow,I slipped my way over and up the stand with out causing panic! Now I had to haul a white bow up 22 ft with out being noticed,ha. I did it,the cow actually came to 15 yards and watched me. I opened a few minutes before a can of that Buck Butter I got from Wisconsin. Dang man I truly believe it worked as the moose calmed down and ate around me for another hour and a 1/2. I opened one up in the stand also to cover my scent. Nothing blew and everything was good as I didn't wear my scent-loc either. Stuff really works. Never drew in any deer but it relaxed what was there! On my way I out pulled a card and all that was on it were does. Good sign,thinking about hanging a stand there Saturday! Saw 2 does on there way out to the field too trying to come through there.Now to spend what time I have left on Moose,till the 28th. If a whitetail walks by me I'll do my best to shoot it. Good luck to all that will be hunting and be safe out there guys. Rockster
I bet its quite a rush seeing a moose from a treestand. Sounds like a great sit rocky! stay after it, I have a feeling you will be our ice breaker!
I am going to try and head out in the morning if it is not raining too hard. Otherwise I will be hunting my brassicas Sunday night for a doe.
The wind is gonna mess me up in the a.m. but I have a couple spots that will work so we will see...So ready to draw some blood!!
I have been out for a few hunts already this season and I haven't seen a deer yet. Talk about getting frustrating!!!!!!
Hang in there...trust your sets..They will come. Made it out this a.m but didn't see anything worth shooting.Culture: VIDEO: Cris Carter's heartfelt words on Adrian Peterson and child abuse
Well sounds like thing are slow for us. They will pick up though. Seasons been open since the 15th here and I've been stuck working 10 hr days because our Forman is wanting to hit a deadline early, talk about about a bummer!! Ill be out next weekend though. Keep at it guys and good luck!!