The cold temps are coming. Deer will be up early eating. I have until Jan 10 with buck tag for bow and muzzleloader. Still want to get a doe with bow. Have to be after Christmas to start hunting again. Good luck out there!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'll be out Friday morning and probably Saturday evening. Good luck everyone! Sent from my HTC6545LVW using Forums mobile app
I’m going to try and get out this weekend, maybe tonight after work. I planned a public land muzzleloader trip with 9 of my buddies for the Jan 6th weekend so I’m looking forward to that, hopefully can lay a buck down Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Got a small doe this evening. I’ll take what I can get this late in the season. Meat in the freezer is meat in the freezer
Got another Doe on the ground this evening. It was too dark for pics when I recovered her. Pics to come. That’s 2 does in 2 days
It’s been in the negatives with wind chill everyday here in Ohio for the last 4 days... hard to get out in the woods Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We just walked about 2 miles through crp and woods and never kicked up one single deer. Getting ready to go hunt the neighbors big food plot in a bit. Hoping to get one more for the freezer at least Sent from my SM-G920V using Forums mobile app
Hunting tomorrow evening and possibly Sunday morning. That’ll be it for me. It’s been a tough season to say the least