Hey guys! Andrew, 21, I live in Ohio and hunt in Ohio. I hunt 3 acres with my buddy (who is leaving for college this fall so it's basically all me) I have a cabin on 18 acres that's 2 hours away and is 5 minutes from thousands of public land (that I plan on hunting this year.) And I'm going to be hunting behind my other buddies house because the farmer hates the deer eating his beans.. I have a few good ones on camera I'm going to be after this year.. will post pics. But last year I shot 2 does (one with my compound and one with my shotgun) and then I got a 8pt with my compound during the rut! I'm usually good for atleast 1 doe every year so I'll get us some points lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's private. I work with a nurse who owns a farm over there and a few years back my wife, who is a photographer, traded doing her son's senior pictures for permission for me to hunt. It has just continued. It's great because no one else has permission there. Blessings............Pastorjim Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
Anybody have any name suggestions for our team of merry hunters? And how about a captain? Sent from my SM-G920V using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
That's awesome! Ever have any luck there? There is some big bucks around here Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I vote the capt. should be who ever has been a member the longest, as far as names goes I have no clue.. can teams have the same names? how does that work
I'll have limited internet access for a few months, so I'll bow out now. Whoever has plenty of time to keep up with posts would be a good candidate for captain. As for team name, I'm pretty sure it should be different from all the rest. Sent from my SM-G920V using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Saw a giant last year but he was in behind some stuff where I couldn't get a shot. This year will be different though because I plan on doing alot more prep on my stand sites. My brother-in-law, who was with me, did kill a smaller buck last year while we were there. Blessings..........Pastorjim Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
I second that nomination, if he's good with it. Sent from my SM-G920V using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Hey guys, good to see a lot of familiar names on the team. I hunt Southeastern, CT as well. I hunt mostly a few small (under 200 acre) private land spots. This year I have been focusing on state land. My goal is to kill a buck over 100" on state land. I have a few under my belt on private land in the 120-130" range so I want to try for the challenge of getting a decent deer on state land. As far as the captain, I've been taking advice and following posts from Virginiashadow for a few years now so he has my vote.
I was wondering when you were gunna show up! I have been wanting to check out Bear hill any ideas about it?
Yeah, I haven't been around here as much as I usually am during this part of the summer. I have never bow hunted Bear Hill. I hunt it often for pheasant, though. That is one of the reasons why I don't bow hunt it. It gets CRUSHED by pheasant hunters and I find that as soon as the bird season opens the deer patterns go all weird. I have the same issue at the gun club where I belong. If you're looking for some state land spots your best bet is to go to the places that don't stock pheasants. On the other hand, I really don't know how big Bear Hill is and if its big enough it may be worth while to check out the perimeter of the property.
looking at the maps it has the fields where I assume you do all the bird hunting but there is a huge block of timber that butts right up against a swamp on the south west side.
In that case I'd check it out. That will pay dividends when late November rolls around and every Tom, ****, and Harry is out during shotgun season and you have that whole place to yourself.