Sorry to be nosing around in you guys Team thread but I was just wondering if anyone else was talking about this. Glad to see that I'm not the only one that was wondering about it. I'm sure some A-hole will eventually demand a recount but it ain't gonna be me either. Lol
Got another stand up this week. No sense waiting to put up later. Was going to wait so I couldn't hunt until later, but like having everything set up. 185 buck might just be the pictures. I've been guilty of not taking the best pictures. I've been questioned and I double checked. Still had people question even though I was accurate. I tend to give people the benefit of doubt. Background of picture probably doesn't help and he isn't holding deer out two feet in front of him. Just sincere happiness in his picture. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hopefully in 48 hours I'll be dragging a deer out of the woods, if I didn't already do so in the morning. I'm just about ready. I have to do a few little things like buy my license, get my camo washed and in the ozone locker, and wash my boots in scent away. But other than that I think I'm ready. I have a freezer/fridge in my basement that still has stew meat and a few other cuts that I need to go through soon. I quarter all my deer and hang them in the fridge for 10-14 days before I butcher them. It's currently in freezer mode, however.
The countdown is down to 16 days! And every buck besides my #2 hit lister is still on camera, although some are starting to turn nocturnal so I'm done checking cams until the season Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Got out of work this morning and headed to the gun club to shoot at 60-70 yards. I've been shooting long like this almost exclusively this summer. It's starting to pay off.
Just got some new arrows and a couple other things I needed for the season, Been doing some shooting lately. Opening day is next Saturday for TN. The season is among us fellas. Good luck to you all! Be safe wear your harnesses and have fun!
Heading to Colorado tomorrow. Reports are that the bears are around heavy in our area. Guy before us almost had a 6 x 7 that was a huge bull elk, but a cow caught his wind and screwed it up. He also had a 400 pound black bear sniffing his tree stand. They didn't have bear tag. This guy is taxidermist so when you hear big you believe it. Weather looks to be low 70's during day and 40's at night. Should be a good trip. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Happy opening day here in CT unfortunately I am stuck at school for the day but will be home later tonight and at it tomorrow! @Rampaige how did your morning go?
Ehhhhhh. I had a party for work last night so I made the decision at the time my alarm went off at 4 that I would be able to devote more effort to an afternoon sit lol.
LOL! I been there more times than I care to admit Sent from my SM-G920V using Forums mobile app
I'm up in the tree now. This weather is miserable for a sit. It's 80 degrees and sunny. Warm wind out of the south. I need the wind to be WSW to be perfect. I brought my climber and because of the wind my tree selection was extremely limited. The good side is that I'm on a public land spot so I'm not overly worried about hunting the wrong wind. I'm in a brand new area to me so this is as much of a scouting mission as a hunt. I'm saving my "good" spots for a cold front.
MN opens tomorrow. Gonna drive over to the farm for an afternoon sit. All the shooters are still on cam in daylight so there's a solid chance I could pull it off. With as many tags I have this year in the west I made the decision to take the first solid opportunity I have in MN. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good luck! Hopefully your weather is more conducive to movement than what we have here. @CToutdoorsman See anything yet?