That buck there is exactly what I’ve been seeing all season. He would be a boomer on the property I’m hunting. For some reason there just doesn’t seem to ever be big deer that stay around. It’s like I’m hunting in a damn nursery!!!! I have seen descent deer already but they are few and far between. Very frustrating. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Well back from Ohio and let me say it was a washout. Literally, it rained 5 of the 7 days. Got two full days and three half days and when we did the deer did not move. Not sure why, whether it was the rain or moon phase. I only saw two deer all week. Got two more weeks before gun season comes in, so we’ll try to get out as often as possible.
Wow that sucks, sorry to hear. It has been really slow for me too. Not sure why but it has been rough. Definitely tired of the rain... I’m going to give it another hour or so and call it quits for now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I sat til 10. Nada. Checked 3 cams. 2 deer pics in a week. Not sure whats up but the deer aren't at my ground behind the house. I'm taking my 10 year old tomorrow to where I rattled in that runt last night. Maybe he will come back lol.
Finally seen a good shooter tonight. Just like that he came out of some thick stuff across the ditch. Stood there a minute like he was going to cross then strolled off. Only twenty yards away. Everything can change in a second, keep grinding away guys. Good luck with your son tomorrow!
Just finished washing all my gear and got my pack loaded up and in the tote getting blasted with ozone. Going out tomorrow to try to sit all day. Hopefullly the rain stops when they say it should.dont want to get wet to start off an all day sit. Good luck guys!!! Will probably check in a couple times tomorrow to help pass the time. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Actually, it's my daughter. I left that part out lol. Shes taking her xbow, I'm bringing my bow. Shes up first though
I shouldn't have assumed. I'm hoping to take my daughter this afternoon if she want to go. She's 13 and getting to be to cool to hang out with her dad. This will be the first year she hasn't hunted with me at least once if she decides not to go.
I know the feeling. My daughter is 13 too. It's one of things that keep me driving down to Alabama, since I'm still "kinda cool", they sure do grow up way to damn fast. Good luck guys! I will be keeping up today and tomorrow. Head back to Indiana tomorrow evening. If weather looks good I'm heading out Monday morning Roll Tide Roll
What a morning! My daughter was up to bat, because my freaking release broke while sitting in the stand. Didn't even touch it, just broke the **** off! I had a spare in my pack, but it was getting light and I didn't want to make a ton of noise. Right at first light, I hear something behind us. I look around the huge walnut tree we are in to see a basket rack buck, staring right at me. He spooked, my daughter was bummed, but it's early. I start to rattle and had a stud buck ( 135ish) came running in. He was downwind, 60 yards, didn't stick around long. Fast forward an hr, rattle in a 7 or, no shot due to brush. 9am we see a small buck in the food plot 100 yards away. He came in to about 30 yards, knew something was wrong and left. Later saw a doe and 2 fawns in the plot. Sat 4 hrs, saw lots of deer, just no shots. I think she is hooked, and we had a blast on her 2nd time ever in a stand.
That's awesome man, glad y'all had a good sit. Would have been great for her to stick one. My daughter hasn't quite got zoned in enough with bow, but shot 1st a doe last year with my rifle. Got her a shotgun last Christmas but had back surgery couple months ago so can't shoot this year Roll Tide Roll
That's an eye opener to me though, I only have 1 release. Might pick up another tomorrow. Never thought about them breaking Roll Tide Roll
Looks like you two had a great sit! I’m back to work tomorrow for the day and then I will be off till the following Tuesday. Hopefully the weather will be good and I can get it done. Good luck guys. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well I made it all day in stand. Actually I got down st 12:30 to eat and stretch my legs for 1/2 hr at bottom of tree. Wind was blowing hard all day so any noise I made was covered by that. I hunt from a saddle so felt good to get down briefly. Saw 9 deer spread throughout the day so kept me interested. No shots but did have another spike go by at 20 yards. These little deer are starting to make me angry. I’m planning on 3 sits this week then another all dayer next Saturday. Time is running out here in pa. Tonight would have been a perfect night to hunt but here I sit watching football all day Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Actually I think I would prefer it to a stand. I’ve been using one for about 10 years now. All my sets are ready to go so all I have to do is crawl up and hook on. I feel I have more mobility to shoot in all directions and when it’s super windy like it has been I feel more connected to the tree in a saddle. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Interesting, I might have to try it one of these days. I like my double ladder stands but I'm always open to trying something different. I have seen videos on them and it looks intriguing. This wind sucks. Tonight is perfect here but I just got out of work. Tomorrow is going to be ridiculous. I still might sit for and hour or two in the morning and evening but an all day sit is out of the question.
Passed another 5 point tonight. Right after that 5 point came in I had another buck come in but it was too dark to see so I couldn’t see which one it was. All my big bucks are disappearing one by one right now, I’ve got no idea where they’re going. I’m just hoping they show up once the rut starts! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Well I'm out this morning. 1st hunt on new property we bought this past spring. Seen 4 does so far. It's a little breezy though. All 4 does came from down wind and didn't get busted. So at least got that going for me Roll Tide Roll
Checking in with update. So far I have had 3 encounters with a shooter 9 something was always wrong so I couldn’t shoot. Had one of my hit listers come in last week, was headed straight to my then veered off 45 yards out. Seen a shooter this morning out of range and 9 other Bucks. I’m in a new stand and it’s been looking great out of it !