Well finally had a buck show up. Only got 2 pics from the Oct 1st right after sun down. View attachment 87009 Roll Tide Roll
Yeah I'm pretty pumped. Hopefully he will continue to hang out there. My stand sets about 10 yards behind cam. Just got out of physical therapy, they have been doing exercises to help strengthen my shoulder. They set up machine lift to simulate pulling bow back. They have me green light to start shooting bow as long as no pain. Roll Tide Roll
Yeah shoulder is doing pretty good. I was worried it was torn. Hoping to try and sling some arrows tomorrow after work. Been doing extra sets of excerices they gave me. Roll Tide Roll
The excitement is building again!!!! Got another sit coming this afternoon after work. Will have to check wind but planning to go to same spot as Monday. I got good feelings !!!! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Well good luck happy! This years deer season just doesn’t seem the same as last year. Last season I literally hunted every day humanly possible for me and I haven’t even gone out hunting this season. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I feel ya man. I haven't been out yet either. I'm going down to Alabama tomorrow until next Tuesday. Hoping to get some practice shooting in. If all goes well I'm going to hunt some when get back next week. Fingers crossed Roll Tide Roll
Well just got in to stand. It’s hot. Looks like I might get wet too. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Had a few young deer feed by me eating acorns after the rain passed. No kills but still worth it even if I do have to dry and dismantle my entire pack. Saw a group of 3 young bucks in bean field on the way out. Had to hunker down until they moved on. Gonna try for Saturday morning next. Still long season ahead. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I bought permits today finally lol. Tomorrow is supposed to be 90°, and it's opening day of youth shotgun season. I'm taking my 16 year old niece tom evening with the gun. Might get out tomorrow morning with my 10 year old with her crossbow. She wants to kill one with it before she uses a gun. Next weekend will probably be the first time I get out by myself.
I was hoping to get out this afternoon but with the rain I figured I would get some work done on the truck. Last cross country meet is tomorrow so my weekends will be free moving forward. Still hopeful to get out Sunday evening. Good luck to those getting out this weekend. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Got my Jeep loaded onto the car dolly today and we leave in the morning to haul it back home! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums