Well guys looks like we have some heavy hitters on the team! I hunt down hear in Central Florida. Originally moved from Wisconsin(about ten years ago). I'm hunting on 1600 private acres owned by a friend. We have had alot of rain this year! Most of the property is under water limiting my stand sites. Lots of Cottonmouth snakes while scouting...Haven't had any luck with the game cameras yet. Season starts on Saturday so I'll just have to see what happens. Lots of does no bucks yet. Found a nice rub line on Sunday and set the camera up. I feel blind going into this season...I know where the does are so I'll have to wait the bucks out I guess. Hope I can put some points on the board for the team! Good luck Everyone!
Hey JW sounds like a whole different world down there! It will be fun checking in and seeing how you’re doing. I’m pumped!! I just picked up 150 acres 7 miles from my office! Although it’s mostly tillable farmland it has about 20 acres that looks pretty good. Now I can get out and hunt mid week a lot easier!
JW good luck saturday. and soggy good luck on your new hunting ground. On one of the properties i hunt its 90 acres and with maybe 4-5 acres of woods tops. the rest is tillable. but i guess it just depends on whats around you because I have seen more deer out of it than any of my other stands combined.
Pat hows the hunts been going man? I am seeing some posts with you on Facebook but not much happening on here.. lets hear about some of the encounters you have been having. For everyone else who's season starts this weekend.. Im getting pretty jacked and I am sure you all are to! The weather man keeps changing his mind on what direction the wind is going to be blowing every two hours so thats bugging me a bit.. I just need to get in a tree already!
Yeah let’s hear it Pat! I have to the end of the month before I hunt. My new Blood Sport arrows are tired of hitting foam!
16 bucks in bow range the last 5 sits Just not the right one. Well the wide 9 I wanted to shoot but didn't feel comfortable with the angle and a wicked storm coming. I am having a blast but it has been catch and release so far ...
Nice photos pat. I love the buffet your feeding the deer. I'm jealous that you are already hunting! Good luck. And soggy nice buck. It sounds like your waiting with me for a couple more weeks until the opener.
Heres some news to help fill your fire shark.. I did not see a thing opening morning other then a few critters that will be seeing broadheads come october when they are in season. Opening evening how ever was much better. On my way back to the truck I saw on the corner of the property a lot of activity, never have seen much there before. So I brought out the lone wolf stand and sticks picked a tree and went up to 20 feet. right at sunset a little buck and doe came strolling right in. They both walked under my tree then kept on walking and I was thinking of passing on the doe, she looked to be 2 maybe 3. They ducked behind some thicker weeds and branches and I said to myself if she somehow gives me a shot then I will take it (leaving it up to the man upstairs) sure enough she stepped into the one little lane there was so quartering away a bit and going down hill. I smoked her at 18 yards. The arrow came out in front of the leg on the exit, I don't know if it deflected off of something but it went in right where I wanted it to and severed the heart. She went less then 35 yards and piled up. Tonight I was covered in deer again. No shooters but soon enough one will step out.. I will be posting the pics in the scorecard thread tomorrow. Team 20 is out of the starting gate!
Nice job with the doe. It was the opener here this weekend. Saw a healthy ~110" 8 pointer, but none of the big ones I was hoping for. Passed on a few doe waiting for a buck. That is the last time I'll be passing a doe this season until the freezer is full.
Cav I hear you there man.. I was seconds from passing on her. I was watching her and the little buck for about five mins. two of those five minutes where right at the base of the tree which was cool.. That last little turn she made teased me a bit to much so she got an arrow, had a delicious backstrap dinner that night and was in bed before midnight (the time on that pic is off by about an hour and a day) big cold front here this week so I will be doing for sure one evening hunt tomorrow. I will be trying to do wednesday night as well.. There is a big 12 that I have been watching through the spotting scope for the last month. I am hoping the wind is right so I can get into the stand I have near one of the bedding areas he has been using. All in all it feels good to be up in a tree again! and to be blessed with an opening night backstrap dinner is a big bonus!
ALRIGHT, American Stickers is on the board. Great Job Mn in a Tree!!!!!!!! You had to rub it in thou, good for you!!!!!! I wish i could be up a tree myself. Sept 29th can't come soon enough!!!!!!!!