Well my wind changed for the better last night. I did get to go where I wanted this morning. Didnt see any Deer but 2 Dogs came through They were going in and out of the corn so I dont blame the Deer for not sticking around.
Opening morning was fun, had a couple does come through but never offered me a good shot. They slipped behind some fallen cedars before I could draw and continued down the ridge and out of sight. A skunk entertained me for awhile, then it got VERY windy on the ridgetop and the woods shut down. Even the fox squirrels quit running around. All in all a good morning, I'll be back at it Sunday. Good luck to everyone.
Had a good evening, Two Does and to Fawns walked in front of me at 15 yards, just wasnt in the mood yet to shoot a Doe. They were comming from the beds and I was between there and the food 15 minutes later I hear another comming from same place it stops back in the spoils and then blows and runs off wind was good, dont know what happened.
Morning report,, Had a Scrawny rib cage showing Doe show up and was making bleat noises. She was feeding around me for 20 minutes then she perked up and stared in one direction. I knew it had to be other Deer then her fawn came running from out of now where, and went straight to the Tit what a sight to watch that. Later I had another Big Doe and 2 fawns come under me. And before getting down there was a band of Hens within 20 yards and one of them was sporting about a 7" thick beard. It was tempting on her but I want a Big Tom as I have killed a bearded Hen before. I will try and take a Doe Monday if I get the oppotunitys again.
Sounds good! As far as the corn, I probably won't put it out again. It seems to go very slow. Later in the year it will go better, but now that there is corn on the ground in the field, kind of pointless. We'll see what I see today. It's a little windy here today, so I'm probably just going to grab the camera and freshen up a scrape. I'm hoping for something!!! Still on for a hunt tomorrow!
Same here Greg, I could have filled a tag this morning but when I finnaly got in the mood to shoot a Doe this evening,,,,notta also I might sleep in tomorrow morn, Im off till Thursday evening anyway. should tag a Doe by then. Good luck everyone.
I manage to get out this past Friday evening and I have one cat and squirrel sighting. I did pick up a new piece yesterday while helping my unc do a roofing job and I am pretty pumped with its local.
Well, I said an all day hunt, but no alarm this morning... I'm going to wait a few hours, and get out there for an afternoon sit, leave here around 1 and get in stand just before 2. Basically no moon, so I am hoping to see some movement. Everything happens for a reason I guess!
Pulling out of the garage as we speak. I'll keep everyone posted. Looking for ANYTHING tonight. :D Sent from my Eris using Tapatalk
Good luck DU. Dogs, cows and swirling winds ruined my weekend :mad. Had a big bodied young buck at 30 yards but passed on him. Deer movement was next to nothing. Oh well, it's a long season, gotta remember that.
Saw the first buck of the season last night, he was a button about 8 yards away, in some real thick brush mowing down some acorns. To show the mental capacity of a button buck or the lack there of, he was DEAD downwind of me for a solid 20 min. and never thought the wiser.
I now have a target... Pulled a couple cards from my trail cameras after this morning's hunt and was pleasantly surprised to find this brute on one of them. First, a doe comes by... Then, a few minutes later... (I just may rethink my shoot does early in the season strategy after this) BAM! ] Look closely at his right side... a true six-point frame. It's hard to make out the other one, but when you see the following pics and start matching them up with the opposite side, I think he's a perfect 6x6: If you look at his right side, you can see his G2, G3, G4 and small G5 on his main beam... his brow can be seen in the following pics. I've got a 12-pointer on the wall that goes a touch over 167, but he's a main-frame 5x5 with split brows. I've never seen a true typical 12 in the wild... I sure hope this guys steps out in front of me this year.
OK Greg after seeing that stud im taking you up on the invite to Mo You bought my tag yet?? Very nice captain. Yep, im seeing 6X6 very trare indeed!! Hope you nab him! Sounds like everyone is enjoying the woods and starting to see Deer, keep at it guys! I went this morning, it was 35 degrees I didnt see anything much to my surprise as I was in one of my favorite Doe stands. BUT I did get winded by what sounded like a very large set of lungs It came in on the side they dont normally do thats why I think it was a Buck (smart)
I agree a true 6X6 and I sure hope you get a crack at him. It would be pretty neat to have a mount of him with your elk and this would be icing on the cake.
Congrats on the new piece of land Peak! I would love to find some land near the cottage just inside the IL line. Think that is going to be one of my main goals for next year!