Well, the temps have finally dropped out of the low-to-mid 90s here, so I'll be heading out Wednesday as it's the first evening I've got available since the heat's broken... I'm hitting an area I've never hunted before but I liked what I saw when I scouted it; maybe I'll get to arrow a big fat, juicy doe!
i checked all 5 trail cams this weekend (out 1 week) cam#5 had a coon,rabbit,bear. #2 had just a bear #3 had a big doe and bear.#4 had 2 big does the day after i put the cam out then the batteries died. cam #1 wich had a 4pt coming daily till a few weeks ago and an 8pt once a month had just a couple bears. i moved 1 cam to a spot i have a good feeling about it's creek bottom surrounded by cuttings that makes a great pinch point, but only if the deer are heading to cuttings. it had lots of sighn and even a big honker of a track on the road. season starts oct.4th and i don't have a target!
That happens from time to time... I myself have not got a pic of a slammer this year even once... but I know they're there, and that's all that matters. It's just a matter of being picky and not shooting the first 2 1/2-year old that saunters by.
Same here Greg, I have seen them, know there there but couldnt get pics of em! It gpnna cool down for the Indiana opener
I'm very excited to be hitting the deer woods this weekend, forecast is showing it to be cooler than normal with north winds which will work good for 3 different stand locations. I'm not going to my best lease until the 11th, but the place I'm going this weekend is pretty good in itself. I'm leaving Thursday to the drag my mobile deer camp to the woods. I'll be hunting by myself Friday (much preferred). The wife will join me that evening in a quest to get her first bow kill. She's came close last year but didn't close the deal. If the wind is out of the east at all then I've got a stand that's near a doe bedding area and she ought to have an opportunity to crack one. Checked a camera last weekend and had a batchelor group show up during daytime hours but only 1 of them is a potential shooter. The other 2 are nice 2 1/2 yr olds but I'll pass on them. I'm hoping to at least get a shot on a nice mama doe, that is if things work out. Good luck to all, Shane
Good luck DU can't wait to see pics of your first bowkill, you got this. Come on October 1st! I called off work months back for the opener, but Friday still seems like it's years away. Cold front is coming through and the temps will be pretty low Friday morning. Nothing like the first sit of the year, I can not wait. Good luck to all.
I'll be out this weekend, busy this week. I was going to go out last weekend a few times but I kept having stuff come up. Anyhow. This weekend. :D
Good luck to all you that hit the woods this Friday. As for me I am still waiting for the return of my bow, grrrr
Good stuff, Tony... now we're cooking! I went out tonight, sat for five minutes, and came back home. Seriously. Just wasn't happy with the location, the weather, or anything. I've done that countless times and always regretted not spending the night with my wife and family... This time for once I climbed back down. I'll use the night away from my family when conditions are more to my liking; you shouldn't have to run your air conditioner on high on the drive to your spot.
T, glad you got the Bow squared back up Greg, I have done that before, sometimes you just know when its not meant to be. Well, its the opener for me in the morning, Low of 46 degrees The bad news is the spot I have been wanting to hunt the 140 Buck has the wind all wrong right now. Only if it changes in the morning will I go there. But I will be somewhere Keep after them Guys, I have faith in all yans!!
I was contemplating going in the morning, but have too much work to do to be gone all day... I'll be up in a tree tomorrow evening though.
I may make it out Saturday night for a hunt. If not, I'll be going all day on Sunday! In the 40's in the morning and 50's in the evening. Should be perfect! If I don't hunt Saturday I'll at least run out to grab the trail cam. I was out Monday and dropped off some more corn and made a mock scrape... Hopefully it brings in some more traffic...
corn corn corn...that's all i hear, i tried corn this spring and the deer wouldn't toch it... it was remington deer corn from wal-mart.. whole kernal...what do you guys use for corn? or do you suppose they don't eat it because there isn't corn in the area? i dunno it's just that corn seems do be the key for deer...but in my area it will mold...not get eaten!