Lookin good DU. Good news bad news for me guys. bad news is its gonna be a high of 84F on the season opener But this guy was out and about at 8AM! he looks good enough to shoot for me
Looks good! That weather could be worse. As I sit in the stand right now it's 92 with 20 mph winds out of the sw. With even stronger gusts.
Them first couple of sits each season just seem so right, even hot and windy days don't seem too bad. :D Jake, nice looking bucks, when does your season open?
Dang, Jake... if all of us put down bucks THAT good along with a doe apiece, we'd be tough to beat! :D
Well, nothing tonight, but allergies. :D I did get some doe on my trophy cam, so that boosted my spirits a little. Guess 93 degree weather, 30 mph winds, and A FULL MOON don't help. Oh well. NEXT TIME IT IS! KINGS OF FALL!!!
What the heck Im seeing our new avatar, when did we get it and where?? Crick in the dark now if I can change it :p
Nice! Good luck! (insert smiley here, but I have to edit one more out because I am limited to using 20 images! *smiley again*) I have a few plans this weekend, other than work and a HS football game friday night, I plan on hunting Saturday morning, and then HS homecoming Saturday night, but don't worry, I'll get back to the stand in the center of the state for an afternoon/evening sit after a teal hunt out west in the morning. I think we just got to stay motivated and keep going out. :D Besides that, opening day was yesterday. Got to the stand (skipped a little school ) at about 12:30 or 1, and hunted until 8 when it got dark. Didn't see anything, except a squirrel that I tried to stick on numerous occasions, but he kept hopping underneath a log and running off as soon as I drew back. No deer. . But I'm sure that 93 DEGREES, 30 MPH WINDS, AND A FULL MOON don't help. But temps are supposed to be in the high 60's to high 70's or low 80's this weekend (or they were, I'll check again), and the moon should be getting smaller everynight now. And look what I got. :D Last picture on the Bushnell trophy cam: (With deer, check out the dates) UNTIL--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the rant, I was just excited to see some MOVEMENT! It's just been too hot, so it's good to see deer are around! Even if they are a bunch of slick heads. :D Anyhow guys, I'm done, I was just excited! **Not sure if you guys knew this, but this is my second year of bowhunting, deer hunting in general, never killed a deer, but don't worry, I got the 1st year jitters out last year. I messed up a chance with a doe, let's just say it was a malfunction with an arrow rest, and I missed a monster non typical (to help my case, there were 35 mph winds that day, and it threw my arrow just inches in front of this deer at 22 yards). Anyhow, I have more shooting experience now, and I'm ready to kill!
I'll add that I believe there was a 1 or 2 week span where the camera was not out... and another week where it rained, and the grass that grew infront of my camera filled the card... ANYHOW. :D
Bingo. Good luck everyone... Don't be afraid to put some nannies down, either... those add up really quick!
Not at all. :D I just need to see SOMETHING before I can shoot it. Lol. Pretty sure I'll be killing, *shooting at* the first thing that comes in, unless it is a spike of some sort, or some small buck. Here in KS we grow 'em big. :D
Cool pics DU and thanks for the updates, I enjoy reading them! OK I still get upload failure when I try and do the avatar I right click and save to my pictures then try and upload and get upload failure. tried to reduce size even more in paint and still same thing Boys I have the first 6 days of our season off, my schedule just worked out that way. BUT if it stays this warm and this dry I will hold off on a Doe until cooler weather. But if a shooter Buck walks in its on. The last rain we had was just slight and didnt do anything. Its only rained here that one time in a month and a half
Go get 'em. I'll shoot anything. Lol. And I imagine it'll be a doe, but who knows! What do you guys do about rattling/grunting, calling in the early season?