I am all set for a backup bow to use but I wouldnt call it a backup its probably better then my bow. :-) Team did we agree on kings of fall?
Bloodcrick needs to be the Captain for this team. He will need something to do, because he used up all his luck last year. NO deer for you buddy......................LOL
Greg gets my nomination. His HNI threads got me interested in setting-up/tuning bows and cresting arrows, both of which are now passions of mine. So for that, he gets my nod
i'm heading to the camp for the weekend and instead of keeping all of my cams in 1 area getting the pattern of a 65-70" 8pt i'm going to try 3 new locations i've selected using ariel and topo maps, hoping to find a bruiser!
Dang boys, you sure know how to put the pressure on somebody! :D LOL... ok, ok... tell me what I've got to do and I'll make a go of it. Thanks for the kind words, Sooner; they're much appreciated. Glad to know I've been able to help a few people over the years... We believe in ya Dale! You can find something bigger in Canada than an 80-incher!!
Hello Captain just make sure we are all checked in and I believe we are Keep on everyones @ss if they score to get it posted and make sure they have 2 pics per rules, and if'n they call a captain meeting, your da man! BOYS, I CANT WAIT TO GET OUT THERE I think this is going to be a GREAT year !! I have a handful of Bucks that I got close to last year that will be slobs this season if there still around. I found some nice Sheds that have me smiling to!! Good luck everyone!!
Monday afternoon/midmorning. Not sure if I'll see much, my theory is just that they've been avoiding my trail cam. But who knows. :D I think it's too hot. I got a few pictures early on, but not much since.
Alright guys, my first outing is tomorrow! I have to go to school in the morning, but I'm leaving early to get out there, be in the stand by late morning, probably 11 or so.
get to the stand by 11 in this heat? Unless you guys are seeing something completely different temperature-wise than we are one state over... I'll be interested to hear about your deer sightings during the mid-day and how late it is when you start noticing deer movement. Good luck!!