lol Tony...... Yea Crick it is on, as far as doe hunting goes. This year I'm determined to put a nice buck on the ground, but I LOVE going after the nannies. Meat is good Greg... Awesome man, congrats. What a beast.
Thanks so much, guys. Well... (he nervously looks around)... my name's Greg... and I'm a bowhunting addict...
Checked one of the trail cams yesterday. Decent showing of bucks within the past week. Date and time all messed up. Maybe one or two will pass by come October.
Hey guys, I'm checking in. Sorry I'm late but I was on a fishing trip in Canada for the last 10 days but now that is over I can concentrate on bowhunting. I hunt in PA but I spend the majority of the rut hunting in Kansas. Great pics everyone, it looks we'll have a good chance at shooting some monsters. I like "Kings of Fall" too........
welcome aboard Pa. I believe you mentioned hunting KS during the rut ... I think our team just got stronger yet!!
Nice pics guys good luck on those beast!! PA glad to see you get checked in 22 series, I remember you taking a nice Buck from that other sight a couple years back with goheard. its getting closer
[Nice pics guys good luck on those beast!! PA glad to see you get checked in 22 series, I remember you taking a nice Buck from that other sight a couple years back with goheard. its getting closer ] yeah i remember it like it was yesterday, got 2 months as of yesterday and i will b back out there ready to go.
Good job Crick! I checked 2 cams yesterday and I have a couple decent bucks. I am also starting to finally see some does in around my stand areas. What the heck is our team name?