Got a decent buck and a mature doe this morning... tired as heck right now so I'll post pictures tomorrow and I'll definately need help in scoring this one -- weirdest rack I've ever seen. Won't score much but definately unique.
Good job guys! My season has been winding down slowly. Haven't stayed as motivated to get out and get a doe. Who knows what will happen between now and the end of the year. I know not much is showing up on the trail cam now...
I'm still going to work my ass off until Jan 9th to get on the board that is for sure. This team deserves my best! T
Pics posted on the score thread. 109 6/8 is what I came up with. Good luck to you Peak, you got plenty of time to put a late season slammer down
I believe in you Tony!! :D Dang, Sooner... that would have been a weird one to score! Sure is neat-looking, though!
Sooner, congrats teamie Ok boys, some more Does would put us reall close to the winning team right now get after it
I double dog dare you purse swingers to sit number 1. Pull up your tight Shirley pants, strap on the high heels, and park your lard butts in those stands! You guys can't talk yourself into first place...make it happen team 20! WELL DAH! LOL............ Congrats on your deer Sooner!
Give him 10 lashes for me too while you are at it Brother Dan. We were doing great ( Team 19 ) until Will's team started slaying deer left and right. All of a sudden half of my team is pretty much missing in action and we haven't heard from them. Not a word let alone a sentence!!! I am starting to thinking Will KIDNAPPED them or payed them a visit and scared them into hiding !!! You know Will likes to travel and has been doing a lot of it lately. I would watch out for your team mates who haven't scored yet for your team. Don't be surprised if they just disappear on ya !! Something fishy is going on !!!! It's got to be Will. Well that or Preacher Tony put the fear of God in our guys. I could see him doing that !!! :D Tim
Geeze... a guy can't even sneak in here to warn a Brother !! You are starting to scare me. Not !!!!!! Muwahahahahahaha yourself Preacher man !!!! Tim
They're coming out of the woodwork to check in on our thread now boys... we got 'em runnin' scared! :D
Lol.....I would love to see this thing go right down to the wire! Naturally, Team 6 with their big noses will prevail. It's has to be a horse race though. Stop stroking and start whipping those ponies boys!
LMBO guys, good stuff Tim, I actually I did see Will in my woods this year, Lucky I was in a Hugh pine tree and wearing ASAT, he walked right under me, he was carring a baseball bat PT came stroling by short after and I could here him mumbling, just look for those fingers I quickly stuck my fingers in my pockets waited till 3 hrs after dark before walking out Win or loose boys,,,,BBK looks to be going down HARD this year