Nice job, I've been concentrating on school and working on a few things for the Jeep. I'm planning to go out this week to set up the new trail cam and hunt. I think if I get out in the morning I should be able to tag a doe.
Good job PA Slowly but surely our team is racking up the scores! This solo hunting gets lonely fast so thanks for the words Greg and Crick. This morning was much of the same ... saw 16 different deer including 3 big bucks. Of course the does and dinks are coming right up to my stand (had a doe fawn bed down beneath me for about 30 minutes) but the big ones are hanging further out. I'd be happy with a decent buck at this point but I'm not seeing any tweeners, they're either giants or dorky forkys I might just shoot a doe tomorrow and be done with it. Shane
I sat up on a finger of woods sticking out into a cut bean field tonight... set up the Carry-Lite as a doe 15 yards in front of me. Had a button buck come over and investigate her, all the while one of my buddies was goading me to shoot it via text (not from this board). I let it walk. For the second night in a row, I saw a 120-ish about 300 yards away... that's all I've seen so far as far as bone goes lately.
Ok guys, here's a pic of my Kansas buck. I put a tape to him and with a 22 6/8 inside spread he scores 142 6/8. I will put him in the scoring thread as well.
PA Thats a frigggin STUD Congrats to you on a fine looking Buck, team 20 is on a Roll Man he is wide!! Well guys I just thought I was done, didnt need anymore meat so I wasnt going to buy another tag just to Doe hunt BUT,,,came in to work tonight and my Boss said he wanted another meat Deer, I said im not spending $24:00 on another tag to kill one for somebody,,,he pulled out his wallet and handed me the $$$$ So I will be back Doe hunting again and enjoying being out again. NOW if a monster comes in im gonna cry,,,I can only kill 1 Buck and I want that last arrow I released back so bad I cant stand it
Congrats again, PA... what a hoss!! I'll be back out again tomorrow after a day off today. Went to karate tonight to watch my son be awarded his next belt which was long overdue... he won the state championship in his age division this year and it was good to see him be given his due at our school as well. Father-in-law hit a buck tonight with my Dad's truck he'd borrowed, and my wife almost hit another one on the way to pick him up since Dad's truck wasn't driveable... told my wife sounds like I need to be in the woods tomorrow morning!
Congrats PA on a fine buck! Well team I kind of feel chitty I have not gotten out to hunt since my last post. All kinds of family things came up and I have spent the last 3 days helping my cousin get his roof done so he can get up to Northern Wisconsin and the cabin and have some fun. He has had a very difficult year and I will leave it at that. I will get back after it when the late season arrives. I do have a spot that I strongly believe will produce and ive only had 2 sits on this piece. Its not a great spot during the rut as of course the boys will be out chasing but the late season will bring them back home and I will be waiting for them. I leave in about 4 hours for the trip so you all have a great thanksgiving next week and see you on the other side. T
Alarm went off at 3:45 yesterday morning... get to my spot, and there's two other trucks parked there and guys getting out already. Drove off to another spot where I shot my buck last year, and ended up having two doe fawns come to me; one bedded beneath me for a time as her sister milled around. Drove around in the afternoon looking for new spots and scouted a bunch... Yesterday evening, came back to where I've killed a few P&Y'ers, but went even deeper in to to their bedding area. Rattled around 3:30 and had a very nice 2 1/2 year old that was tempting come in and put on a show, tearing up a small sapling in the process. He eventually left after not seeing any other deer, and a minute later a 1 1/2 year old with tons of great genetics came in looking for the fight. He stayed around for about five minutes before he finally got directly below and behind my tree and saw me shift my weight and scampered off. About an hour later, a doe came through -- and since I could see way behind her and nothing was trailing her -- I drilled her. She ducked a bit and I caught her about four inches high in the shoulder and she dropped in her tracks. Easy tracking job. Stayed in the tree for another hour, but nothing else came by. I need at least two more deer for our freezer, as I gave the first doe I had to go fishing for to my dad. Got a lot of work piling up on me, but I'm going to try to go visit an accound this morning and be in a tree for tonight.
I chipped in a buck to our grand total score last night as well... Won't score worth crap because he's missing a G3 and has a broken-off brow tine, but I'm still very happy with him.
Good job Greg! Well our gun season started Saturday. Bad news is 2 of the bucks I had on my target list are dead. Good news is wife and I are the ones who killed them :D. Gun kills so they don't count contest wise, but oh well, there's still several shooters in the area I may get a shot at with my bow.
sorry tosay guys i'm a no score this year, no bow kill for me and the season ended saturday... on a stranger note i enjoyed this season the most of any of life thus far, got into archery, started "cam trapping" and got my first bear/bow kill, seen lots of deer/does and 1 small spikehorn i passed in the early season. that's public land hunting though if before i let the little guy walk i knew he may be the chance i had at 1. i leaqrned this year to take more time off during bow season before the huge numbers of gun hunters hit my area. i was watching 3 bucks on camera all season, 1 got killed the first day of gun season and i haven't located the other 2 there patterns changed or they were killed i don't know but i still have my cameras up with 4 does coming to my stand everyday, i'm assuming if theirs a buck left in the area i'll catch him with my harem of does this week on camera! congratulations to all successful or not it was a lot of fun being on a team with you great bunch of sportsman!!
Congrats to you guys on the deer, sorry I have not been on much. Just got my internet back. I have had 2 more encounters with a buck, still no shot or just out of range. On Nov. 7 I had little bucks chasing does all over the place. A nice wide and tall 8 showed up but came through fast chasing the little bucks off the does. Great job again guys, nicely done
Congrats Greg! Fine buck and pictorial and I sure will have this on mind for incentive this morning whenI head out in about 5 minutes. I had a big bodied deer under me right at dark and gun shooting time had expired. That deer kept me in that stand a good extra half hour until it finally left and I was able to sneak out. Guys next week I will be back at it with the bow and heck I might even be using a new one to wack them with right Greg. Crick will be glad I have finally converted lol Hint: Just call me Mr. Iceman Keep at it guys, T