I guess shooting a buck doesn't stop hunting, I'll go try for a nanny soon. I have to go pick up the buck from the processor and my JEEP tomorrow. Had to have a little body work done after an accident 3-4 weeks ago.
Yep, that's the fun of shooting does... besides being great herd management and good food, it's a ton of fun and keeps you out in the woods! And we could really use those extra 50 points! After the scorecard was updated, we're sitting at a very respectable 8 points out of 3rd place... very commendable for our start, team! Several of us have still got to knock down does and a few of us still have bucks coming so we'll still make a run at this thing yet! I'm on my way back home after flying out of O'Hare tonight so today was completely shot for me (left the house at 6 a.m. this morning for Chicago) but I'll be back in the woods the next five days straight again now.
My buddy shot a young doe tonight. Couldn't recover as it got VERY DARK very fast. We had 3 guys out looking for 2 hours and couldn't find. Very little blood as the arrow hit the opposite shoulder and didn't pass through. This one goes to the coyotes. On a side note, guess what is showing up on trail camera that did almost a year ago. That's right.... A cat. The same cat. WFT? See attached. Notice the dates.
I don't plan on finding out. Lol. BUT I will let you know how my buck tastes after I pick his remains up from the processor tomorrow. :D Took long enough though.
Dude I swear thats the same exact cat I had show up under my stand in early October and ive been jinxed ever since.
Who knows. I got my buck in on Halloween. Let's hope there are a few does to come. :D Sent from my Droid Eris with Vanilla TazzFroyo using Tapatalk
Been out almost every day, but this freakin' heat is killing me. It's 75 degrees right now on my absolute most favorite day of the year!! Supposed to get colder again this weekend. Maybe with this alleged "late rut" -- which I'm agreeing with as far as the activity I'm seeing (or lack thereof) -- it'll flip their switch.
I know what you mean Greg, I been out every night this week. Last night I passed on a small 6, that was the first deer I'd seen all week!
The cold front is due tomorrow and I will be out this afternoon and tomorrow on a new piece of property. I have until next Tuesday to get it done or im pretty much against tough odds with the Wisconsin gun season starting on Nov 20th. It goes for 9 days then they have a muzzleloader season then in December a antlerless only gun season. Good luck all, T
It's crunch time down here boys, our 2 week gun season opens the 20th (next Saturday). I'm not worried about shooting a doe, but it's super tough to arrow a NICE buck after the booms start. Gotta get it done this weekend. Here's one that's finally returned. I'm guessing him around 130". Also got a big 10 coming in pretty regular but his pic isn't downloaded to my computer yet.
Temps suck. I sat on the edge of a fencerow where I could see half the farm all around me... not a single deer moved before I got down, and I got down in the moonlight. Maybe next week; supposed to have a cold front come in and drop the temps 25 - 30 degrees.
Saw 2 young bucks and 1 shooter this morning. The dinks were right in my lap but the biggun stayed out of range...
Good luck guys. I've been out of town in MO duck hunting. Hunted with the guy that we know basically in charge of Busnell and FA brand. Got some new binoculars, layout blinds, goose/duck decoys, and he switched out my Trophy cam with a messed up LCD screen. I got the bone collector 8mp new and improved version. :D I'll report from the woods soon. I hope. :D
Sounds like you got some cool stuff DU :D Peak, good luck gettin something down before gun season Boys, I had an interesting morning. At first light some does came in, then one small buck started really getting after one of the does in the CRP. Then another lil' guy showed up. I knew it was only a matter of time and sure enough a big boy showed up. Conservatively speaking, he was a legit 160" + . At first he was just walking around and I thought to myself 'I'm going to kill this buck' but then he started taking over the chasing duties. He ran by at 35 yds and I was at full draw "MAAH" ing for my life but he wouldn't stop. He then paused momentarily and I ranged him at 61. He then took off again after the doe who left the area taking her entourage with her. Saw a few more does after that by themselves but no bucks with them. Hunting these bruisers in this open country has been tough. First i was just getting them on camera. Then I started seeing them from afar. Now I've got to actually draw on one. There's only one thing left in the natural progression and I've got two more mornings to get it done.
Close sooner,,close. cool encounter! well I wish I was still hunting as the weather has finally broke for the best. It rained all day the other day something we have been very behind on and now its cold and frosty. Im still rooting for everyone,,,good luck!
Well guys. I finally made it back from kansas and have to say it was a tough hunt. The rut seemed non existant. I did see alot of little bucks chasing but really didn't see many big ones. The few big ones I did see were feeding in fields at night and not showing any interest in does. I passed on alot of bucks and a few in the 140's hoping for something above 150 but they never showed themselves. I did manage to tag a mature buck late in the hunt so I will post a pic and a score soon. Congrats to everyone who scored so far. Nice bucks ! And good job on the does too.