Good job, Adam!! Hopefully that big guy comes back by; that sounded close! I'll be out of the woods the next few days, as my son has his league Super Bowl tomorrow afternoon, then Halloween tomorrow night with both my boys... and then I need Monday to prepare for my boss riding with me Tuesday. He only rides with me about three times a year, so those days have to go smoothly... After he gets out of my vehicle Tuesday afternoon though... it's katybar the door!! I'll pretty much devote every waking minute from that point on in November to bowhunting...
I'll be out soon for my afternoon/evening Halloween hunt. Wish me luck guys. I need it. Lol. Sent from my Droid Eris with Vanilla TazzFroyo using Tapatalk
Thanks guys, I am def proud of any deer with a bow. Just can't help thinking about the big boy ha.. Good luck to everyone, I hope I can get lucky and have another shot at a buck. It is that magic time of year after all...
Adam, congrats man Well team, sorry I have not been on much. I had a water leak that was hard to find. I got it done finally and getting ready to finally turn water back on. I also had a Doe slam into my Jeep the other day but I got real lucky. She hit my back tire and the plastic wheel flare on my Jeep. It busted the flare and the plastic tub that lines the wheel well. It flew 20 yards on impact. No body damage what so ever. Its my sons 19th birth day today, He wants to go on a buddy hunt this evening So im finally getting back out
I didn't see jack tonight, But when I came back in my dad said he saw two good bucks run across a beanfield near were I was hunting, oh well I will be hunting alot this week we'll see what happens.
WHEW!!! I've been thinking about your beautiful Jeep ever since you told me... great to hear it won't need too much to get her perfect again. C'mon DU... out with it!
Buck taken Halloween night at 5:55. After climbing into stands around 1:30, my buddy Skyler saw this buck rubbing on a tree 30 yards away. He ran in and out of the woods twice never giving a clear shot until he came back in and bedded down 40 yards away through thick timber. A few hours later Skyler got down to see if he could put a good stalk on him. Walking up to the hill he was behind took a solid 30 or 40 minutes. When he could see the buck over the hill through the brush (5 yards) the buck got up and walked around the brush, right at Skyler. The buck got within a few feet before taking off to the South. I later got a text saying to get ready, an, and a few seconds later a buck came through. Never seen this buck on camera, even though new deer are coming through every year, there wasn?t much of a decision to be made at the time. I was going to shoot. He stopped down wind but kept moving, he was straight to my left and at 23 yards I took the shot. We followed a deep blood trail 40 yards until it took a cut towards the river. There he was. All we had to do was cross the river and drag him up the bank to the edge of the field. I?d say he?s a great first deer. First deer ever. Not the biggest Buck. But I an happy with him. He is a solid 8. Hey. I'm 17. Ill have chances at bigger deer, but for now, he'll do. Everyone has to start somewhere. Treestand is top left of the picture. Roughly. Sent from my Droid Eris with Vanilla TazzFroyo using Tapatalk
Congrats again, Kyle... saw him in the main forum first. VERY nice deer for your first!! And way to be the first to bring home the bacon with a buck!
Don't say that. Last year I missed a monster, and I didn't want to get greedy. This was the first deer I've seen this year. Besides on camera (3 other bucks, 2 smaller, 1 with one side broken off) Any how.... 83-1/8 for our team. Hopefully another 50 to come.
Yep Jake... put that 50 alongside it and you'll contribute more to the team than most people do on average each year. Good for you!! I'm riding with my boss today (not yet... got to meet him at my first hospital in a few minutes ) and then it's katybar the door for the next couple weeks... with the exception that a company wants to fly me up to Chicago to interview me on Monday.... why do headhunters have to call me during the rut? But I've got to go with the possibility of $30,000 more annually...