Son had a double-header football game yesterday (he made the game-saving tackle -- a nice SLAM on the running back in the open field after the tailback had reversed field in the second game...) so no dice on Saturday. Didn't feel that well this morning, so looking to go a few mornings early this week, hopefully before hitting the evenings again later.
Is it just me or what? I'm noticing a bit of a "down and out" mood over here! Come on lads, pull up those big boy persistence pants and get out there! Kick old man Murphy out of your house! Make good things happen!
my spirits are high! i came home last sunday, mon,tue,and wed, evenings i had 3 bucks at my stand the little squirt, a decent 65-70" 8pt and a cool looking 4 pt. bad news a bear moved in thursday and no deer have been back. but i have their habbits pinned down and have a good feeling about opening week of rifle season the week of the 25th. ...doesn't look like i'll get back to the camp for any more of this bow season.
Soooooooo close to having a doe down Saturday morning.. I had three does (including a doe fawn) come in from my right side, through the thick stuff they use to cross the ridge. The lead doe seemed old and she was on edge, but I eventually got my release hooked up and waited for a chance to draw once she stepped out to my right. The way she was heading, the shot would have been a perfect 10 yard opportunity. Instead, they fed around slowly to within 15 yards in the WORST possible spot, directly behind my tree, exactly where the wind was going. Despite my scent control efforts which I take seriously, the wise old doe busted me.. Started with the head-bobbing to get a shape on me, and about 2 intense minutes later it ended with her catching a whiff, stomping, and hauling butt. Gotta love bowhunting.. So close, but close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades I'll be back out this week after work when I can, and then on weekends..... and then I took off for the last few days of Oct. as well as Nov. 3rd and Nov. 10th. Good luck to all.
Very nice! My son was wrestling with a older kid sat evening and then sunday evening it was off to the E.R. Luckily it turns out just to be a severe contusion on his leg so hopefully i will be out this afternoon. He will be out of football practice a few days this week then back it also.
Crap! Was all ready to head out in the morning, but looked at the calendar and I've got a training webinar where I've got to be in front of a laptop and on the phone simultaneously at 8:30 in the morning... so a no-go there. Have to wait until Wednesday night now...
So I head out yesterday afternoon and I have the right wind from the east/S.E. and I am going to use a new stand for the first time. I find 2 nice rubs about 15 yards from it and I am pretty pumped. Half hour into the hunt about 300-400 yards away a shotgun starts blasting and lasts almost to the end of my hunt. Just north of those shots is where I expected the deer to be heading my way. I also get a few shots to the north of me go off . So far no deer sightings on all of my sits. grrrrr
Dang, Tony... are you having to hunt new land this year? I don't remember you being faced with these adversities in the past? Or is it just because you're on my team?
Last weekend was a bust - daughter and I got skunked but she wanted to stay around camp more than hunt so she had a good time and that's what matters. All in all, I'm having about the same luck as Tony, just not seeing much right now. I keep the buck bedding area off limits until November but even in my early season spot I usually still manage to see a few does each sit but not so much this year. Vacation is scheduled for most of the first two weeks of November so it'll be serious buck hunting then. I'll be hunting by myself 200 miles from home so there won't be anything to do but hunt daylight to dark. Ahhh, the solitude of the lonely hunter - Shane
Greg I lost a prime spot last year but it was due to a great friend of the farmers so I understood. Great memorie that is for sure. Right now I only have 1 place to hunt when it comes to private property near me and 1 decent public spot. The public just got done with rifle season for does so its not looking good. As for the private well that is just a alfalpha field with a very limited tree lines to hunt so patience is the key. With all this being said I am heading out to my parents place this coming Thursday out in Western Bluff country Wisconsin with high expectations. I will keep you updated via text as I wont be on the computer very much. As for now I am trying to be positive and Crick is helping with the tongue pics from his stand. lol Sooner bro keep your head up and I will do the same.
Got caught drawing on a Doe this morning as her and her fawn came in. After that she pranced all around me and everytime I tried to move, she would get skiddish,,,they finally left. Then Turkeys started pouring in from my front. I had heard a very weak sauce gobble from there roost but when they came in it was Hens and not so big poults. They left and 4 big Hens were scratching all in front of me and I couldnt hear anything else from the rustling leaves until the 5 Does that had come in behind me winded me again. The big lead Doe did come back in and I managed to get drawed back on her at 20 yards. Problem is she stopped behind tree covering her vitals. I held for as long as I could and had to let down, she caught the movement and pranced behind me for 20 minutes blowing. gonna get it done this evening!
Will im trying man, everytime I had Does in for shots I wasnt looking for a Doe and now that im looking for one, its all small Bucks close and the Does either busting me or not close enough Its getting done soon
Went out Saturday morning. I've been busy. Out of town Monday and working on a midterm paper Sunday/Monday. As for the rest of the week, I know I'm going out Saturday and Sunday. And hitting hard end of October for sure. Hoping for some COLD WEATHER!
Don't worry, Will... the floodgates are gonna open pretty soon, and it'll be BAM! (Since we got Crick on our team and all... )
I just hope my 130+ 8 does not go south of my stand again. A buddy that hunts the property south of mine had him at 40 yards just to dark and could not see pins in sight so he did not shoot. I told him to leave him alone! LOL Dont think will listen if he does give him a shot.
We'll definitely have points on the board by the time this upcoming weekend's over with... Since I decided to start putting the smackdown on some does, I haven't had a chance to get back out there. Tonight, my last sales call doesn't end until after 5 p.m., so no dice for tonight either. Then, I'll be hunting Thursday morning, Thursday evening, Friday both morning and evening, Saturday night, and Sunday morning. Might even get to hunt Saturday morning too; depends on what time my son's football game is.
Sounds good Greg, the weather is cooling off around here right now but unfortunately warming up a bit again this weekend. But I plan on getting out there tonight, Saturday Morning, and sunday night. possibly Thursday night as well.
Cool beans guys Greg, I aint done nuttin, you are gonna have to pull the weight for me Awesome morning, 4 bucks and 11 Doe/fawn mix Problem was the young Bucks were chasing My Does everywhere and had the vere off course Two busks sparred 20 yards from me, two other Bucks did all the chasing, I had shots at Fawns that I turned down, and blew the one woulda been shot that could of landed me a Doe. I thought it was a Fawn comming in and when I realized it was a mid size Doe, she turned head on and came marching past at 3 yards, I didnt like the severe 1/4 away at three yards shot so I let her get past. The Hens got into a violent brawl behind me. I will be out with my 11 year old this evening trying to get him his first Turkey as our gun season is in today for the turks.
That is awsome Crick! I want a text if he does good with picture! My baby wants to go again and will be planning on doing it soon due to her not being able to handle the really cold weather like her daddy!