Mornin team 20, just finished my last hoot owl before starting day shifts again Wed. I will brave the warm evening for a Hunt, till then, its to home for some needed shut eye!
i was up to the camp hunting from wednesday til yesterday, seen 1 small buck saturday about 45 mins before dark..first time i ever let anything walk, hopefully i can do it again..he better not push me tho this 11/2 y/o would be awesome table fare. and with poor genetics like that he should be even if it is public land!
Boy it was warm this past weekend and the deer movement was limited. Hit my Knight and Hale fawn call yesterday morning and here comes a couple of does, unfortunately a coyote heard the call too and came to investigate. Of course the does took off but the coyote trotted right by my stand at 16 yds, so I fed him a magnus buzzcut for breakfast :D
Good stuff, gang. Crick, I'll be out there with ya Wednesday... probably wake up to the alarm about 4:15 a.m. or so that day. Weather's not going to break until then... Good luck team!
dale, dont hold back because of us, if you wanna shoot him and it makes you happy then by all means do! congrats on the yote sooner our yote season comes in the 15th Greg, you miss understood, i will be back to work Wed BUT them im off for 7 days again, go back for 4 days shifts and off for 14,,,can you sat vacation time but good luck bro! Now for the weekend report. I was going to hunt yesterday eve and as I was getting ready to take a dirt shower, the school called and said my son had something in his eye from welding class. So I took him to an eye specialist and they dug out a piece of slag and eye was ok. Woke up this morning and pleased to see it raining, checked the weather channel and it was all but gone so I went but didnt see noda. I was leaving and headed down the ole haul road pass the cut field and seen all the Hens that usually show under my stand including the bearded lady. There were two bigger black blobs way on the back side, so i drove past, parked behind the trees, dug out the binos and snuck back for a look. It was two HUGE Toms in the back 40. I drove back past, hid the Jeep, and went for some spot and stalk action. I used the woods as cover and got within 100 yards of the Toms before having to cut deeper in the woods to get to a dry creek bed to finish the stalk. I finally approached the firld in the creek bed, peeped over the top and now the Tome were gone and 4 hens took there place Went home, ate something and looked out the back window to see 4 more nice Toms, got re dressed, grabbed gear took off down road, parked the jeep and cut through the corner of woods and got setup where they were headed. A truck comes down road, stops to look at the birds and they retreated to woods end of story! Im going to try and brave the heat this evening.
Dang buddy.... sounds like you got close!! My alarm's set for 4:15 a.m. for the morning! Gonna hunt for a while and then go brush in a blind in a cornfield on another one of my farmer's fields close by so I can start taking my oldest boy a few times...
Well work has me on different hours through out this week. I am going to get out tomorrow afternoon about 14:30. My batteries ran out last friday on my cam when I went to hunt. I put new ones in so tomorrow I will swap cards and we shall see what I have. With a little luck maybe i will have a deer down. Starting Thursday and lasting until Sunday is the Early Doe gun season because I am in a CWD zone so this kind of stinks. I should be ok on a couple private pieces as I am the only one who can hunt them but you never know with trespasser. By the way I have no sighting in 5 sits. T
Good luck Greg and Tony and all others I had two HUGE yotes come in at 32 yards yesterday evening, they were patrolling the edge of the corn field that was being cut as I hunted. I heard a deer blow on other side of corn in the other small woodlot them here came the yotes. I was about ready to get down when I heard deer behind me, problem is they staged for another 15 minutes until it was way to dark to see. As soon as my bow hit the ground they blew and ran off I will be off work the 16 th ----22nd
As to one of the sayings for NFL Come on Man! Knock em dead crick! I have one down and I hope more to come. I saw NOTHING today and will be back out in the morning!
Oh believe me I WILL have something down soon just hasent been my time yet. Here is my short list as is every year. 1- Mature Buck 2. A Doe 3. A yote 4. Fall Tom
A buddy of mine took a Doe, Yote, & Turkey with Bow all in about three hours the other day! I could not believe it when we met up after hunting!
Good stuff everyone. Well the weather finally hit my area at about 5:00pm today. The deer started moving about 20 minutes before the sky turned black, and down it came. Gotta love before and after storms, and how nature reacts. The wind coming up from the valley was intense but I wanted to stay put. Once it became a downpour and the wind started breaking branches around me,I backed out. The woods looked pretty crazy on this hunt. I'll be back out it this weekend, but hopefully tomorrow after work too. Good luck to all
OK teammates... I'm finally getting that "feeling" back... :D Largely due to my incredible elk kill, I just haven't had the "bloodthirstiness" that normally accompanies me every year. Seriously... by this time each year, I've usually taken out at LEAST a couple does, if not three, by now. Yesterday morning, I had a big, fat, mature doe standing broadside at 12 yards at first light munching on acorns... I didn't even move for my bow again. Again, it's largely due to the elk kill, I know... but it's also due to that series of pics I posted on page 12 where the huge buck comes by after the doe showed up on trail cam. That's had me thinking a bunch this year. HOWEVER... later in the morning, I decided I'd take the next one that sauntered by. I had a big one with two little ones coming in around 8:45, but they veered off and went into the CRP back behind the ridge I was on. Then, last night, I was going to take the first doe that came by, but had nothing within 1/2 mile. So... I'm guessing the fact that I finally wanted to take something and couldn't has got me back in the mood, if that makes any sense. :D Expect a doe down pretty soon.
dawg thats pretty cool Greg, Its about time that Elk wore off Im getting thirsty to I predict me killing a fat Doe AND a Tom within the next 6 days good luck team, we need on the board!
I believe me and you got the same front, got a .5" of much needed rain then the weather cooled off, I have been kinda busy lately(helping Dad, fixing truck) and so I wont be able to get out there until probly Saturday morning maybe friday night.
Today begins the 3 day Oklahoma youth rifle season so my own hunting will be put on hold for a few days. Gonna help my 10 yr old daughter try and get her first deer :D I don't know who's more excited, her or me. :D
Sooner thats awesome,, I hope you two have fun and sucess!! Thanks for the code Tony, as soon as I get sticks Im going to get that tape like Captain did his
At this rate of getting out about once a week im going to go nuts. I did get the OK to head out to my parents place (Western Wi bluff country) next Thursday so once that day hits my spirits will be sky high. T