Awesome morning guys. It started late but was a good one indeed. I was going to get down around 9:30 because I had seen nuttin. At 9:20 it all changed. I had a 1.5 six point come in at 15 yards and really work an early season scrape over. 5 minutes later a 100" 8 point snuck past me from behind in the confines of the thicket edge I was hunting and he made a small scrape there. I hear Turkeys a little later behind me and the band of Hens that I seen the other day came in again and I was 100 yards from the other stand where I seen them last. The same big bearded hen was saying shoot me again, and I passed again. Soon after a BB fawn and a fawn Doe walk past my front. They stopped and stared at there back trail and I figured it was Momma somewhere behind but she never showed. Some 40 minutes later from seeing the fawns Moma stands up, they had been bedded a mere 70 yards from where I climed my tree this morning, and she skirted around me only to run off due to a spike Buck checking her out. At 11.00 I decide to get down and look around one more time first. I looked to my right and see the front half of a very thick racked 2.5 Buck, I swung around to grab my Bow, not with intensions of shooting him, but in case a Big guy showed up I wouldnt have to move to ge my Bow. I turned 2 seconds later to see where he was going and he was Gone in the semi open woods There was some brush in that area and I think he actually bedded down there. Funny part it was where the Doe had just gotten up from. I climed down ever so quietly, packed stand and shagged out of there. Ill be out this evening!
Great morning Crick for sure on your end. As for me well I went out yesterday afternoon about 2pm and just at last light I hear shotgun blasts go off in the swamp area with a pond. A few seconds later it started raining pellets around me and it kind of brought me down from a bummer stand point. I'm not sure what to do with this property now as I was pretty dang excited about it when I gained access last weekend. This piece it has had no hunting pressure at all and it is about 15 acres. It is pretty much a funnel area from food one side of the highway to water on my side with bedding spots also. I dont know if this spot is ruined with the waterfowlers so close but have you guys ran into this situation before and still had success?
A doe fawn ran up and stood broadside at the end of my morning to make it an official 10th deer of the a.m. today.... didn't pick my bow up for any of them though. I was WAY back in there, and it was going to have to be a bruiser or none for me today. Had a big cowhorn spike bumping a doe this morning with her fawn in toe. Of course, she would have nothing to do with him. Still, surprised he was getting that frisky this early already; we're a good three weeks away from that usually. Being 37 degrees probably helped... Hung a stand when the hunt was done where I got the pics of the 12-pointer...
Sounds like an eventful morning Greg, I had some action this morning and i wasn't even hunting, from my window this morning I saw two bucks (shooter 8 i had a pic of and a fork horn) standing carefree in the middle of a grown up cow pasture, then around 11 i just happened to see a doe busting it across an open hay field into some standing corn, never saw a buck behind her, but things seem be gathering steam.
Tony, The main spot I hunt has a ton of waterfowl activity on it... The deer will get used to it. Don't give up on it so quick. And, yes... I've been hit by falling shotgun pellets too. Keep your hat on and don't look up.
Hang in there Tony,, Good read guys! I skipped this morning as I had plans to cut a trailer load of firewood and get it all split. The wood was to good to pass up and I have two more loads when im ready on a 16' trailer, then I should have way more than enough for winter and a start for next season. Im headed out now, looking for fat Doe tonight. Good luck guys.
Sorry I was late on the email, that is a great buck Greg. I am not sure I have ever saw a typical 6x6 in person before. Super cool!
Thanks, guys... If I get him, I've already got the form picked out: he'll be a stand-alone floor pedastal.
Too bad this isn't a raccoon contest... I had five or six P&Yers around me tonight... 10 feet or less. Not much movement tonight, but it was 82 degrees when I got in the tree. Need a cool front to come through.
Well im back work now, Im off Mon, Tuesday but get off Mon morning and will have to sleep a bit. I have some vacation time soon when the hunting is good and have to keep reminding myself that its only 7 days into the season. Greg, you could make a hat out of one of those guys!
I've still got three of them in the freezer that I need to work up (they're skinned; just haven't fleshed and boarded them yet)... along with an otter (fresh roadkill; haven't started water trapping yet) and a couple fox and some yotes as well. Whew! I'm getting tired just thinking about it! :D
Good stuff guys. It's supposed to be 81 degrees this weekend for a high . Not looking forward to the heat but I'll still be going out atleast a couple times. I'm hoping things start getting better, deer sightings at my favorite spot are WAY down from the last 3 years. It's still very early in the season so I have to keep reminding myself of that too Crick. I'm gonna try to bounce around a little and get on them. I've had a doe down every year for the last 3 years by this time in Oct.. Oh well, gonna stay optimistic, it will turn around. Good luck to everyone hunting this weekend!
Just checked my favorite weather site... it's not going to get better here until Wed morning... high of almost 90 tomorrow. My boy's got a double-header in his footbal league, so I guess I won't be missing much activity out in the woods...
sorry guys i havent been on here for a while, we just bought a house two weeks ago and they just got our internet turned back on today. so just a little update, i have started the season as of last sat., but it is an urban hunting area so all last week and this week is doe only, until sat. then its anything goes, so hopefully i will get a crack at a nice one for our team. if not then come nov. 5 i will be in illinois for a week hunting and hopefully i can get a big one then. good luck to everyone.