I have off November 6-10th and my birthday is the 9th so hopefully I finally get that birthday buck I’ve always wanted lol. But nov 7th always seems to be my lucky day. But works pretty slow for me right now unfortunately so I might have off even more days to hunt. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I just got promoted to a Lieutenant in April so I had to give my Vacations back but suckered them into letting me keep my shotgun vacation. I will be putting for days to extend some weekends though. I am also trying to promote to Major now so time will tell on what I can get off. LOL Time to climb the ladder before I retire in 3 years 350 days or so. LOL Not that I am counting.
I have all mine broken up. Nov. 1, 15, 22, 29 plus some Saturdays and maybe Halloween evening. Going to try and get out after work Saturday if the rain holds off. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
at 5:22 there was a doe standing there... then this curious little fella came sniffing around Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
October 30-Nov 11th trying to fill a second public land archery tag Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
every year around now this same tree gets torn up... and the same buck shows up.... I don’t have a camera up at this spot but the last 2 years I’ve seen this buck... I really do think it’s him. Don’t have a picture from last year but I saw him on the hoof chasing does. I’m going after him this weekend I can’t wait to see what he’s turned into. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Buddy of mine shot a 10pt that tried to mount a doe who wasn’t ready yet. Buck had a really swollen neck and smelled pretty ripe.. and another buddy called and said he had a buck get hit by a car in front of his house so I went to check it out and man did this guy stink like a rutting buck! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Had a huge wind storm come through and I knew it took my blind for a ride lol just went to find it and it was only 40 yards away luckily. But last 2 days this new guy has shown up and I have no choice but to go after him tonight knowing he’s in the area. Hopefully I can get it done Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I didn’t get a chance to go out this weekend with the weather. Did shoot my bow yesterday and broke my sight I’ve been having issues with it loosing up and sliding down. Going to get a screw after work today and see if I can at least get it back together to last the rest of the season. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Get him Andrew! I am sitting at the doctors office and I hope something gets done this time about my coughing and sinus infection! I will be out tomorrow night either way! Cold front coming in and can’t miss it! Want to go tonight but need to take care of this first!
Had a super intense morning sit yesterday. Ended up seeing five different bucks (2 yr old 8, two yearling bucks, approx 130 nine point, and my big 14 point shooter. Rattled in three of them, and just so happened that both of the larger bucks came in at the same time. Once the bucks saw each other they squared up, and the larger buck chased off the smaller one. I got all kinds of shook up after they left! At least now I have another piece to the puzzle with my main shooter. All n all it is a big chess match!
That’s crazy! I’m going to try to rattle tonight and hopefully bring that buck in Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just a reminder to post your score Axtell. If you still need help scoring I can send you a picture of the rack where to take measurements.
Sounds like a good sit Haa! Well, left the doctors office and now I have a possible ruptured ear drum due to my cough. The cough is not as bad as before but this really blows......what........LOL. I guess the deer will just sneak in on me. I have been referred to a Audio Ear Doc and a Ear Nose Throat specialist. We shall see how these go. This crap is getting OLD fast.
Saw 2 does and a small buck tonight, no shooter ugh. Really warm the next 2 days here then a big cold front on Friday... which is November 1st so it’s go time Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Think I got my sight straightened out. Just need to shoot it today or tomorrow to make sure zeroed in. Then I planning on hunting Halloween evening and probably all day the 1st since I took a vacation day. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk