I thought maybe you spent some time in the outback. We'll see about Bunyan maybe last weekend in Oct. I got a new job so I can't do whatever I want anymore. If Tim comes over from ND I'll have to make it up there.
3 guys haven't checked in yet. I sent them a message and a PM. Hopefully we will hear from them soon so we have a full team. Tim
Pretty jealous of you guys already out in the stand. Whats the temps like up there right now? We had a low of 49 degrees last night with highs in the low 70's. It's giving me the itch that's for sure. I have no doubt that we'll zoom up to 90's again. Never fails.
Friday night was a little warm but otherwise mid 40's and high 60's the last 2 days. I am shocked the deer aren't moving much as it should be ideal for early season. They are talking high 70's in the next couple days with one day hitting 80. Otherwise nice in the long range forecast. Tim
Boneheads work for me as well. 9 days until our opener. I'll be out there with other guys from our deer camp. Hopefully we can continue to have these cool mornings/days.
Whats up guys! Did we decide on the BoneHeads? Thats the only name i could come up with that I liked. If yall got anymore suggestions then lets hear them. Also, what can our Avatar be? Lets pick a team captain, and let the slaughter fest begin. I am counting down till Oct 15th but I am ready to put some meat on the ground. Good Luck to all.
Boneheads sounds good to me too guys, and like Tim said, I can get a good head shot of "Mr. Clean" to use for the avatar. I can also. I'm on vacation so it'll be a few days before I can do it!
Sounds like we have a name. Doug ( sticknstring ) will have to edit his first post and change the title to Boneheads since he started the thread. Pat... you are going to take care of the avatar... right ?? Now on to the captain part of it. Let's get this over with so we can just concentrate on hunting and having fun. Pat ( englum_06 ) said he would do it so he gets my vote. Most of us have been in these contests since the HNI days so the job shouldn't be too bad to make sure everyone posts two pictures with them in it, the buck/doe and their bow. We know what to do and will help out all we can so Pat ( or who ever becomes captain) doesn't get stuck with all the work/burden. For the new guys... feel free to ask if you have any questions whether it be scoring or posting pictures. I'll give the remaining 3 who haven't checked in, a couple more days. If we don't hear from them by then... I will try emailing them besides PMs. Tim
Mark Good luck with the guys at camp. Sounds like some major fun !! On the drive home from work... I saw quite a few deer moving before dark. Funny how that works that they weren't moving when I was hunting the past 3 days. Today was warm to boot !! Joe Hopefully we can keep you entertained with a few pictures of dead deer while you wait for your opener. Usually things start picking up for me around the 10th of September and on. I've killed my best 3 bucks on the 9th, 10th and 15th of September. Hoping to continue the tradition again this year. Nate What are your prospects looking like this year ?? This is the best buck I know of for sure... He is a main frame 4x5 with a sticker on his left G2. I've watched him pretty much all summer. He should go around 140 - 145. I know there is bigger around but I haven't found them yet. Been a poor year for scouting. We've had so much rain and the crops are late. Still a lot of standing wheat and the soybean fields are still green and lush. The CRP is loaded with alfalfa and clover. The deer don't have to travel very far to feed. They just haven't moved around like they normally do. Tim
Pat works for me as captain. Like Tim said if any of you have any questions just ask. I've been doing these contests since the HNI days and although I have never won I have always found it to be quite informational and I really enjoy meeting and getting to know everybody.
I am pretty new to this forum and this is my first time in this contest so I am ok with whoever yall want to be captain. Just out of curiosity, what does the captain have to do?
Tim waiting for rain to collect cards looks like next Wed possibly. I did pick up a new spot this year its a small chunk just 16 acres but the area is prime and 2 of the 3 bordering neighbors don't hunt. I just talked to the guy last week and put a camera out this last weekend. I think it should be good. I'm just happy to be getting back into the woods. I've had a hectic summer so I didn't have much time for my hunting life. I'll vote for Captain Pat too!
"Boneheads" is great. I have been picking my brain for the last week and that name stuck out. I am fine with Pat being captain. I will be editing the first post as soon as I finish typing this. Our opener is Saturday so I hope to lay down a doe unless Guss walks in range. This will be my last post until I arrow my first deer. I really hope I will posting pics Saturday. It has been killing me not posting on here. lol I just have this thing in my head about my 1,000 post being my first arrowed deer. Good luck to everyone and if anyone needs anything from me until my first deer, PM me. I'm still around as much as usual just saving that post. We all have our own quirk's so I believe everyone will understand about the post thing. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!!Be posting very soon I hope!!!
I still haven't heard from the last 3 guys who haven't checked in. I sent them an email. Hopefully they will check in soon or we will have to see about alternates. Oh and I sent rockingchair a PM to see if he won't put TEAM 20 back in the title. Boneheads by itself just looks like an ordinary post. LOL I'll be hunting this afternoon and then tomorrow morning and afternoon. It is a bit warm yet but not the worst. Doug... goodluck this weekend !!! Nate... the 16 acres sounds good. We want to see pictures when you check the cam !! It has been a very hectic year here as well. I swear half the of the reason I hunt is to get away from it. Tim
Hey guys, glad to be part of the team. I'm Scott Limer, 36, live in Parkersburg, WV, right on the Ohio border. I'm a civil engineer and I'm currently the local QDMA branch president. WV isn't normally known for big bucks, but it is getting better. I have two potential P&Ys on my 450 acre piece of paradise. I also hunt in SE Ohio and have a trip to Nebraska in November. Hopefully I'll help the team out this year. Putting at least 50 pts. on the board shouldn't be a problem. Mathews UltraMax (final year of it's contract...LOL) Carbon Express arrows 100 gr. 2 blade rage broadheads Trophy Ridge sight QAD Ultra Rest Lone Wolfe Alpha Climber