Checking in! I've been really busy lately so I haven't been on much. I hunt Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan. I've been getting some pretty good bucks on camera lately so hopefully I can make it happen. I got two 135ish bucks last year, (one with bow, one with shotgun), so i'm hoping to get one that big or bigger this year. Good luck everyone!
When is everybody's season start and how many plan to be out in the woods. I personally don't start to get to excited until the 3rd week of October and usually try to stay out of core area's until 1st of November. I have never connected on a mature buck in the early season and feel that I do more damage than good. What's everybody else's plan for this season.
If it weren't for all the trigger happy gunners around here i would not shoot the one i have in my sights. the only reason i will take him is because all the orange vest running around in November. Thats just how it is around here. I'd love to let Guss get some age on him but, not so sure he would make it through the season. As for being in The woods opening day, I'm there already in mind and spirit! September 10th is opening day. I plan on hunting at least every other weekend and some week day afternoons here and there. I feel thats the best time for getting my buck coming off bed or early morning soming back into bed. Hes been on camera at night mostly. I plan on doing a good bit of all day hunts from Halloween to the beginning of December. I will be using bow only all season this go around. I don't even have a rifle to use this season. So now I have a question, How many of you only bow hunt and never carry a lead slinger? Any suggestions on a name from anyone yet??
Two hunts in and they haven't been too good. I did see two bucks tonight but not even close. I had a coyote at about 100 yards but he didn't come my way. I nocked an arrow just special for him. So who's going to be captain ?? I suppose we should get going on it. Any volunteers?? My vote is for englum_06 or rednas5. We need a captain who is respected, well liked and who can get the job done. Sorry TeeJay... looks like that rules you out !! Team names ?? While we have to give TeeJay a D- for effort in his contribution to the team name... I am hoping we can do better then Team ol' goat. Tim
I have no doubt you end up killing another stud Tim! Heck man I can't even believe you're already hunting! As far as captains go, I can do it, but my vote is for Tim, lol.
She does pack my lunch but I tie my own boots... dammit !! :p Hunt #3 is out of the way. Saw a decent buck off in the distance still in velvet. He was limping bad and looks like one of his first legs most be messed up. He looked to be in real good shape otherwise and was eating. He was traveling with a young doe ( last year's fawn ). Thought that was odd until I saw him move. He doesn't move very far, very fast. TeeJay could probably run him down. Well... I will be back out again this afternoon. Hopefully get into some deer. Tim
Mate you coming up to the buoyant this year? I'm trying to talk timmy into making the trip from devils lake.
The BoneHeads. Thats my team name suggestion. Couldnt think of nothing else. Glad some of yall are hunting and some of yall are about to. I got another month and a half before our season opens. I think we got a good team, so let them arrows fly! Good Luck to all of ya.
The buck I saw this morning looked to be a very nice 8. He is a cripple. I tell you... this buck has your name written all over him. Tim
I like it. TeeJay can be our mascot. All kidding aside... I still like it. For an avatar... if englum didn't mind... we could use a head shot of Mr Clean. Tim