Had a good hunt yesterday, and picked one up off our wheat today! It's a 2 year old 11 point, I found his right side with 5 points, but I'm hoping this guy will stick around for 2-3 years and become a shooter. The hunt yesterday unfortunately consisted of quite a few dead heads, but I did pick up some sheds too. The one dead head has tons of bail twine and even some steel cable in it, it's an ugly mess, but it's unique haha. I also found a Beman hunter 340 with g5 montec tip. This was on my buddies place. It was stuck in the creek bank. Looks like he has a poacher. Young 11 right side from the wheat: Finds from the other day:
The one bigger head that is pictured in the snow I assume was EHD. We've had bad drought conditions here the past 2 summers and I found his head right next to the creek. If the water were a foot higher I wouldn't have found the head. There was still some velvet left on his right main beam, so I can only assume he died from EHD. The other two heads one was probably there at least a year or two so its hard to say, and the one with all the junk in its horns I'd assume got tangled in something and the yotes had their way. Just conjecture, but it was definitely my strangest find so far.
Found one today while removing my cameras. Not a huge buck, but he would be a decent deer next year. I hunt some ground that butts up against the fish hatchery I work at. He dropped his horn right inside the fence.
I'm checking in gents.. 4 thus far.. and I know each of them well. I have one from each of these bucks.
Well, I found my second one last weekend. I can't believe I've only found 2 so far this season on my place. I have tons of pictures of buck feeding in my soybeans, but I guess they must have dropped on the neighbors. I also found this dead head. I don't think this was an EHD. My buddy hit one back in 2011, the day before rifle season. We tracked him but lost blood. About 3 weeks later I bumped a deer that was bedded. He didn't want to leave and we had a stare down for about 5 minutes before He finally limped off. I didn't have my bow with me, so I didn't get a shot at him, but he headed in the direction of where I found this. Only about 200 yards from where he was originally bedded down.
Skywalker- If that is the deer your buddy hit then that is nice closure. Did you confirm it with him yet? I bet he wont expect that phone call.
Found a little one today. It's off a buck I called the 4x1. He had a normal 4 point side and then a side with just a long spike. When I first got pics of him in late October the spike side was about 12 inches long. Well, he broke that spike side sparring during the rut and all that's left is about 4 inches.
Leaving Wisconsin on Friday to shed hunt in Iowa for two days. Still to much snow here! I'll post pics if I find any. Good luck to all! Rory
Hey y'all, I've still got a group of three forkies all holding onto both sides as of march 26. That seems extremely late to me. I hate to say it, but the shed season is starting to slow down for me. I'm starting to set my sights on longbeards in the very near future. Hopefully I can get a couple more long walks in before the green up really gets going and the sheds get hidden. Unfortunately, it wont be until mid April, Ive got a lot of wedding and bachelor party engagements happening next month and its interfering with my spring routine. Good luck to those of yall who are still putting miles on the boots!
Here are 3 from Iowa I found on Friday. Total for me is 4 for the year, but the snow is finally melting in Wisconsin so I hope to find more.