richie, Umm the question seemed simple enough. Are those from private property that you have permission to walk on and hunt possibly? Or, are those sheds from a closed area that you were sneaking into? I know around here, a lot of guys illegally trespass on forest preserve property and what not to pull big sides. It takes all integrity out of the sport, unless you aren't about integrity and only are in it to turn a profit. Let me know if I have to reword that question...... best regards, john
John, you are a new guy on this site and we love new members, but I can assure you if you start to slander anyone or make accusations on this site you will be removed from here. To answer your question the sheds were found on a piece I have permission to be on. I wish you the best of luck and welcome to the site.
Great find then..... see answering questions isn't hard. Thanks for the slander warning...... tell me again how my question was slander ?
Thanks john, have you found any sheds so far this season. I know with all this snow melted off theres gonna be alot of them picked up in the next few weeks.
dang shed, i want to hunt with you :D great finds how many over the years have you picked up over 70"?
Great job Shed, sounds to me like someones got a case of "wish I was him" good luck the rest of the season. You going to be at the Iowa or Wi shows this year?
Axle, I usually find between thirty and sixty sheds a season. I have been fortunate to find some very impressive sheds in the past. I would say I have found in the last five years 40 over 70" mark.
bow ninja, I was thinking about going to the iowa show this weekend, and yes I will be at the illinois and wisconsin show in the booth.
thats an average of 8 sheds a season over 70 inches, very impressive #s. You must have some great ground that holds a lot of mature bucks.
Shed, suburban bucks in are area are in fact some very impressive animals. We hunt small woodlots and there is not much pressure on these deer since the only hunting allowed is with a bow. The deer actually have a chance at becoming mature animals. Also the benefit to hunting small areas is it is much easier to locate the herds and see where there bedding and feeding is taking place.
Shed, that is gross over 70" perfect example, last week in one day alone I found three sheds over 70" one of which was over 80"
That is some impressive numbers Richie... I have only ever found 2 sheds over 70 inches, one of them was this year.
Scott, I have hiked a ton of hours and not found any, but yes the area I am in does in fact produce some tremendous whitetails. You would be amazed to see some of the sheds that get picked up in this area, numbers and sizes that would blow your mind. There are alot of guys that blow me out of the water on numbers and inches in this area. Im talking world class animals, and every year they produce some giant sheds.
I completely understand the work it takes to find sheds, let alone monster sheds... I do have another shed that I believe would have went 70+ but it was damaged heavily by rodents. Possibly another I found in IL a couple years ago would have made it had it not been for rodent damage, I never measured it though and gave it to the land owner.
How do you go about getting so much access with the competition that is involved? I know just over the border from me in IL which is a bow only area it is almost nearly in possible to get access to private lands even if its just shed hunting. Either they won't let you on their land here or someone has already has staked claim to it. The public lands most of them in IL won't allow me to shed hunt and dont even get me started on how much it sucks up here in Wi. i do have some good spots in the western part of the state of WI out by parents though thanks to some nice farmers in the area.
Tony, my job allows me the opportunity to meet a lot of people on a daily basis. I simply ask permission to shed hunt, but yes they usually all say no to deer hunting.