That is pretty neat that you have found that many plus killed a double main beamed buck. Droptines are also very rare here. I've only ever found one with a droptine and it was off a young buck. Not much of a droptine. I have 7 goals I hope to accomplish before I can't shed hunt any more. 1. Find a 50" plus shed with a droptine 2. Find a 100 sheds in a year ( done ) 3. Find an 80" plus shed 4. Find a double main beamed shed 5. Find a decent moose paddle ( done ) 6. Find a decent muley shed 7. Find a decent elk shed Tim
AWESOME!!!!!! I don't have to dink around with it now :D Good job by the way, just reinforces what I tell myself all the time in the woods...... WATCH YOUR FEET!!!! The larger sheds will show at a distance but the little guys are easy to overlook.
Sometimes, if you want to find a shed, you need to find the little ones, cause that is all thats left :D
You are old and blind. We understand... Nice double-beamer, Scott! You seem to run across a few of those in your area. I've never seen one around my stomping grounds. Really awesome looking buck.
Heres a couple hammers for the team !! The single side scores 73 2/8" and the set scores 78 6/8" and 83 2/8"
Richie, congrats on finding those slammers! Seeing sheds like those makes me just want to get out there again and walk my a$$ off. Congrats again.
Thanks dave, Scott it was an oldie, I was hoping I was gonna find him fresh still have alot of time left though.