Went out on Saturday for 3 hours of hiking and only founda a dead doe. I have a couple more weekends plus I'm heading west for easter break I might find some muley's. Richie where in the hell are you?
Hey guys I totally blanked on the shed contest I just finished working two full time jobs but I've been out looking. I have a good feeling about some areas i've found this year
I went out today and only found 3 does. I also talked to Shed Head at the deer classic in Wisconsin and he said he was done and gave me his total. We have a month left to get back to back wins. Get after it.
School got canceled yesterday due to a snow storm, I woke up at 8 and it wasn't snowing yet so I took a walk to check out one last place before calling it quits, got a small 8 point pair and a spike, put me down for 3 more. I'll get some pics up once i find the camera.
2 more for me (i saw them, boys picked them up :D) brought out 4 for the boys to find in case it wasn't a successful day, but it ended up being a good 40 minutes out...... First real one I called the boys over, and the 5 year old was quick on the draw, and there wasn't a 2nd shed in the area to find.....the end result was a very upset 3 year old But not all was lost, while walking back to the truck I spied one off in the distance, didn't say anything, and the older boy, being such a GREAT brother, spied the shed and called the younger one over, and 'let' him find it.......big warm fuzzy for me......
and......2 more the brush hog is not a sheds friend.......fields were cut about about 6 weeks ago, time to start walking the cornfields.....
If i am seeing things correctly (and everyone is up to date) we are in 2nd place, down 12 sheds (team 5 has 104 and we have 92)
Sup fella's Made it out once last week with the dog....1 small 3 point, will post pics tomorrow. That brings me to a total of 5 so far. Heading out for some sheds this afternoon and tomorrow, snow finally decided to melt, in places its still up to your knees. Will keep ya posted. Keep at it guys!!! Reese
Add 4 more for me today, if anyone wants pictures, say so, but they are all wee little fellas.....seems to be the theme for the year......
2 more on sunday, will try to get a pict up for the 6 i found this weekend......we closing the gap on team 5 yet?
2 more for me (Saturday), 41? Finally got into an area I have been waiting for the snow to go out on, there was about a foot of snow in there last time I was in the area, well the snow is gone, but there was places where the water went over the top of my rubber boots, so guess I need to wait for it to dry out now, to bad that won't be until the contest is over.... First pict is of the two found today, and the 6 found last weekend (2 new ones are the wet looking ones on the left) Dead buck, eyes were all sunk in, look at the spine showing on his back, really skinny, no other marks on him.......pedicles were good sized, but not huge, hair had grown over them, thinking this is an older dead deer, exposed with the snow going out..... ATL picts of the two from today..... thinking this might be an 'oldie' from last year, but green at the base, and the grass was growing around it...
I am heading out on vacation tomorrow, I will keep an eye on things when I can. I'm heading out to Utah to hike in the national parks out there. Yes I will be looking for sheds. I let Mike know I'll be back on the 2nd So please post your totals on the 30th so he can tally them up. Thanks and good luck.