Don,t know yet don.t wont to kill him yet he be a good next year but he run on a strip jog and in gun season they make the deer live hard so if i don.t shot him problem some one will in gun season but i think i wait and try for the 11 point first got some time before gun season come in so will go take me a doe.
so im trying to change my avatar but photobucket isnt working right, or im messing something up. tried to blow up the image like ive done a million times but no luck.... help!!!!!!!!!
usually i can get it to 125 x 125 but photobucket wont even give me a chance to edit it... oh well. getting excited, cant wait to see our pics when they start rollin' in. are we all gonna post on team 2 thread as well as the main page??
So, yesterday my wife drags me to Wal-Mart because she needed to grab some shampoo or something. I start wandering around and make it to the sporting goods section. I start cruising through the fishing tackle and notice that they completely changed the hunting section. I walk over and see a ton of archery stuff and, low and behold, Wal-Mart is carrying Carbon Express arrows! Now, I run Maxima 350's and it's not like these Walli-World arrows are CE's top end, but come on. They even sell a little kid Bear bow with arrows that is nicer than some bows I've seen my friends hunt with! They also had Tink's mock scrape spray, which I immediately bought because it was five dollars cheaper than my pro-shop. Needless to say, I walked out with a slight bit more respect for Wal-Mart. I just wish they'd start selling guns again like they did when I lived in the South.... That's my rant for the day.
went and pull card today and had 3 buck all 8 points and 2 dogs got to get read of those dog for sure
Heart skipped a beat tonight lol, was putting out some "No Sweat" from antler king and noticed that my clover and chickory came back from all the rain! so now I will have all 3 in my lil back corner and on top of that 2 massive does came out of nowhere and about gave me a heart attack and then darted RIGHT into the trail I cut for my climbing stand....opening day can't get here fast enough!!!!!!!!
Sounds very promising, Chiro...can't wait to get us on the board. I'm heading out early Saturday for our opening day. Can't wait!
Well, another opening day for bow season in Wisconsin has been unfruitful. I got out to where my buddy and I hunt before sun up. It was really quiet going through the woods and I found the spot that multiple deer paths cross. I set up about 20 yards away from where the paths meet and walk around checking for fresh signs of my intended targets. I found a nice size scrape but I wasn't sure how old it was. Definitely within the last few days to a week. I sprayed some wonderful Tink's spray (which I really think is just deer piss) and then hunker down between a group of pine trees. After 15 or so minutes, the woods wake up and birds are chirping and squirrels are going crazy looking for nuts. I even had a few finches land within three feet of me in the pine tree, just singing away. I'm thinking "Man, this is going to be great! I'm totally going to get one today!" Everything was ideal. Until about 6:25am. That's when some a-holes start screaming in the woods about 150 to 200 yards northwest of me. They're just having a good old time talking about Facebook and their dumb@$$ boss, etc. I'm thinking "great, these guys are gonna ruin my morning". NOPE! Southeast of me, about 250 yards away in an open field, eight to ten guys are goose and grouse hunting. It sounds like a damn firefight going on over there with how many shells these guys are shooting off. They're also whooping and hollering. Now it's about 6:40am. This nonsense continues for another 45 minutes before I'm absolutely seething . I'm so pissed that I pack up my stuff and walk back to my truck. I'm out of the woods by 7:35am, heading home. This is why I HATE hunting public land. No respect for other people using the same land. Not to mention, I found trash all over the place. I feel guilty if I leave a banana peel or an apple core in the woods and these clowns leave beer cans, burnt charcoal and Pick n' Save bags full of randomness. Now, for the dagger of the morning. On my way home, I'm driving past where the public land meets one of the million farms that boarder the whole area. Sure enough, there's two nice size bucks (one was a four point and the other looked like maybe a small eight pointer, but I'm not sure) and a few does. This farm is within 3/4 of a mile from where I was hunting in the opposite direction of all the above mentioned clowns. One day down....four months to go. Hopefully, someone else had better luck today than I did.
Sorry to hear that Kilo. I hunt private land and one after noon last year I walked up on a guy with no permission hunkered down with hunter orange, shotgun in hand, DURING BOW SEASON!!! Some people have NO sense! Well I competed in my 4th ever bow tournament this weekend, one of the largest I have ever competed in. There were 2 courses of 20-3D targets each and a 3rd night course with 10-3D targets(coon hunt). 50 targets total and I WON!!!! So stoked!!! Now I'm EXTREMELY ready to stick some moving targets! 14 days to go!
Congrats on the win Bowchik that is awesome! Kilo, hang in there brother! Season can't get here soon enough! I just receive permission to come hunt at a patients house over the weekend I guess they have a deer problem that the deer just come into their yard all the time and eat all the vegetation, so hopefully there will be a nice buck with them! If not, meat for the family and for my freezer :-)! How was everybodu else's weekend?
Outstanding, BowChik! Super stoked for you! Chiro, good luck on that property; hopefully, you'll get a freezer full the first day. As for me, I went out again this morning at 0-dark-30. The wind was blowing south to north, so anything that smelled like me was blowing towards the road. I threw down and crushed some apples and sat there for about three hours. Didn't see anything except for a fellow bow hunter. We waived to each other, chatted for a bit and he was off. That guy has ninja skills because I never heard him come or go and he passed by me an hour later heading back to his truck. After 3 1/2 hours, I packed up and started stalking around a bit. Ran into some turkey about 100 yards away and they freaked out, so I went the other way. Didn't see anything but really enjoyed just being out in the woods with no one around. With the exception of not sticking a deer, nor seeing one, it was a great morning.
sounds like things are getting pretty interested. think i'll spend a few hrs in the garage checking and re-checking my gear from when i put it all away last yr. get all my clothes out to wash and look over my hunting arrows, just to make sure all is good. picked up a brand spanking new pack of broadheads the other day at Bass Pro so im all set there. last thing i have to do is finalize where i'll be hunting my full days in Oct. getting excited only a few weeks left!!!!!