Welcome bob!! Glad to have you Adam Elite Kure 29.5/70lb CBE Engage Hybrid 3pin Dead Center Dead Level Hunter Kit 8/6in Goldtip Kinetic Kaos 340 Spine 29in TAC driver 275 100gr NAP Killzone 455gr/276fps
I’m here for the fun! If I shoot a buck it probably won’t even be 100 points, I’m hoping to put a 100+ inch buck on the ground this year but where I hunt they are few and far between! Found som good sign when I went scouting yesterday, found a trail intersection right outside of bedding, one trail comes out of the bedding the other is running along the side think it’ll be a great spot to set up Adam Elite Kure 29.5/70lb CBE Engage Hybrid 3pin Dead Center Dead Level Hunter Kit 8/6in Goldtip Kinetic Kaos 340 Spine 29in TAC driver 275 100gr NAP Killzone 455gr/276fps
Have you seen my red streamline stapler? Adam Elite Kure 29.5/70lb CBE Engage Hybrid 3pin Dead Center Dead Level Hunter Kit 8/6in Goldtip Kinetic Kaos 340 Spine 29in TAC driver 275 100gr NAP Killzone 455gr/276fps
So just to bring y'all up to speed with my hunting this season. I am a little busy with family and work. Currently working in NW Arkansas, Bentonville, Rogers and Fayetteville. I have 70 acres dedicated to hunting, nothing but CRP and post oaks. I have only been out there twice this entire year. No cameras hung but I have three stands and the lanes have been cleaned up. It has a three acre food plot of clover, probably half dead. I also have permission on two places, 35 acres each in NW Arkansas near Beaver Lake, have yet to hang a camera and will probably just be pleasantly surprised. I plan on filling the freezer plumb full this year. Got a new sausage stuffer from LEM on the way and will be producing a lot of bratwurst! I dont plan on going out to my place until the end of October.
I with I could share some outstanding deer, but didn't run cams. I do believe I found and mapped out one bucks turf last year (1mi line scrape like) and had a couple (funny/sad, in hind sight) near miss encounters from last year. Spotted him working his line, found and marked his line, Bumped him from bed, bumped him breeding a doe (other side of a tree); had a pack of dogs chase a bunch of deer to point blank range, have my rifle not fire, sit and turn around in disgust only to spook him. Another buck, last year, the biggest body spike I've seen in NC (got be pushing 175). A pair of twin 5 pointers in the back yard. Many does. But my focus has been getting ready for 2 weeks elk hunt in Colorado (1 week out hooray). Shooting, calling, working these old bones out and dropping pins like a blind seemstress in a draw unit. Practicing shots like this as well as stretching out to 60yds. Deer will wait, but if I happen to fill the tag early, and fill the freezer, I'll get an early couple sits. This last week will be a scramble. Lots of project work, 2 RFPs, gear check, packing, vehicle maint (before my 25hr drive aye!) and some inevitable last minute buys. So, for now, hi/bye/go team!
Good luck!!! Adam Elite Kure 29.5/70lb CBE Engage Hybrid 3pin Dead Center Dead Level Hunter Kit 8/6in Goldtip Kinetic Kaos 340 Spine 29in TAC driver 275 100gr NAP Killzone 455gr/276fps