i have about 7 huntable acres where i live. very little woods, some hedgerows.. we put in plots every year, getting better and more creative. that gets the does and keeps them. Same thing we stay out till halloween so as not to educate the doe. There's about a 5-10 day window in November that guys like these cruise through... hoping to be in the right tree at the right time.. Sent from my SM-S918U1 using Tapatalk
West central Texas here. I have a small ranch with no resident population, but there are a lot of deer that pass through. I've not seen any shooter bucks yet but have plenty of doe and young bucks. Sent from my KB2005 using Tapatalk
Hey y'all!! Good to see some familiar faces mixed in with some new faces! For those of you who don't know me, I am Joe. I live in CT, hunt public land in CT, and I'm definitely not the ringer you were hoping for! LOL! I haven't stepped foot in the woods since last November and have yet to shoot my bow or crossbow. No worries though, I prefer to do my scouting in-season on the fly 99% of the time. This'll be the first season in about 7 years where I'm not a fulltime student, as now I'm working fulltime. I do have Fridays off and plan on hunting Fridays and Saturdays and will take a week off at some point during the rut. My season starts on sept. 15th and goes till November 15th. I'm hoping to contribute points to the team, but can't make any promises! I look forward to seeing how the season plays out for y'all!
Names in bold have checked in. Anyone wanna be the captain? I don't want it! Any ideas for team names? Team 2 Tca126 Swamp Stalker Suncrest08 bowhunt4abuck Short69 RevMS Berwickbuckmaster B Hicks DMEN
I like the name, and the volunteer for Captain. make it happen! Make Trophy Sacks Great Again Sent from my SM-S918U1 using Tapatalk
Hahahaha 2 nuts one sack Im running on 3 hrs of sleep, I’m gonna have a bunch of bad name ideas haha.
I’m gonna pass on Captain duties and whatever name the team comes up with works for me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk