Well we have some great weather and a ton of acorns on the ground. i'm heading out to hunt Saturday evening and all day Sunday. I may call in sick Monday as well. I'll be sitting in a nice oak grove. With all the acorns down I'm sure to see something! I'll be sure to text.
Saw 4 does tonight. They were working their way in down wind and a breath of wind kicked up. Old matriarch pegged it and led three younger deer up the hill out of range. So close I could taste it. Good luck to all this weekend. Someone WILL score.
fulldraw (Brian) and myself both harvested does on film Saturday night from the same farm. We were hunting about 300 yards apart on a bean field that's getting pounded by deer. I'll have some photos up shortly, and the video should be ready to go by tomorrow or Weds. Now time for some buck action!!!
Way to go guys. We are on the board. Now that that is out of way, let the deer start dropping. Can't wait for video and pics!
Nice Guys! I've been crazy busy closing down cabins, family visiting, and oh yeah, one of our cabins almost burned down on Fri!!!!! Anyways, I'm hoping to get out more this week, we are closed dwon to just 3 cabins now, and its our slow time, so I'll be in the woods much more now!
Heading down by my daughters. Going to hit up some public land. Should be empty since it is only Thursday!
ya forcast sucks. Rain all morning but still going to head down. She has a basketball game tomorrow night so I was going to go watch that anyways. Figure since I am driving all the way down may as well just make a day of it.
Hey guys. I haven't checked in for a while. I've been laid up with strep throat for the past several days. I'll be getting out in the woods again tomorrow. I have a new place to set up thats seeing a lot of activity. An inside corner of a clearcut. The deer are cutting the corner when they start filtering into the cutover to feed. I feel pretty good about that spot for a doe this weekend. ALTHOUGH, I've also thought about leaving that spot alone until the bucks start chasing. I'll decide tomorrow afternoon.
Here's an update of the past couple days. Weds night, both Sara & I sat out. The deer are really starting to get active. Fresh scrapes throughout the resort. Sara saw two does, but they were about 60 yds out on one of our mounds. I had 3 does come in at sunset. About 30 yds but to my off side. I was able to draw & held for about 2 min, but the only deer I could get a bead on was the fawn. Thursday night I was back in the same stand. I've started using my doe bleat can (did the night before too). Right at dark I had a lone deer come in fast to the call. He (I'm assuming) made 3 or 4 trips back and forth in a semi circle 30-40 yards from me, but never coming out of the brush. There was a lot of activity at the resort a couple hundred yards away (cars pulling in, kids running around screaming, dogs barking, etc...) He just wouldn't commit to the last few steps out into the open. I also got to see a fisher Thursday and heard one of the wolf packs start howling far to my south. They were two great, but equally frustrating couple of sits.
Who is all out this weekend? I have my daughters this weekend so won't be able to get out but plan to spend most of the week hunting.
Got word that Fitz shot a doe but he's still tracking. I missed a big doe, same one that winded me. I'll post more after dinner. It was an exciting but frustrating night. Dinner time.
High and back. Bright red blood, starting to slow a bit. She's gone 200 yards. I think I cut her artery and skimmed her lungs, I know I got a piece of vertebrae too, could tell by the crack on impact... I'm hoping the wolves I heard the other night don't beat me to her.
Well, after letting her sit 4.5 hrs I picked up the trail. Great sign, she's still bleeding like crazy. I followed it another 40yards and got to a point where it ended. I was by myself, so it was hard to fan out and not lose last blood and trample everything. I'm holding off until the AM. I'll head back with daylight and my wife's help. I know I'm close. I caught a whiff of her once or twice. Sounds crazy, but I've found many deer by catching their scent from 30-50 yds away. Time to got try and sleep....
Got your text earlier tonight also! Congrats on the doe. Good luck in the morning tracking her! Text me when you find her!