Well I elected to pass on hunting Wisconsin this year so now the wait for IL to open on October 1st has begun. Will be in IL the entire season except for the week in WV during Thanksgiving.
You're not missing much up in WI Fergie. Hopefully you have some luck down in the 'Ham. Make sure you eat at Ryan's buffet while you're in town. What a great place to people watch!
Good luck tomorrow boys! I still have a week to go. Good thing too, since I just ordered another set of LW sticks... chop chop Justin!! My brother will be down with my cousin tomorrow at the Cabin in Washburn, I'll keep you WI types updated if they tag something.
Any action from this weekend? Saturday is inching forwards. I'm starting to look at the forecast for wind direction, but I'm sure it'll change over the next 5 days. We're supposed to hit 82 today?!?! Yes, we had frost warnings in August, and 82 in mid Sept....
Although I didn't hunt this weekend it sure felt good to get out in a tree! Todd and I saw a bunch of deer and he passed up a shot at a doe last night, hoping a buck was going to make an appearance on the field. The biggest buck that showed was a really nice 10 pt 2 year old, but no shooters. All in all, a fun weekend! I'll be out this week after work trimming some sets getting ready for October 1st to hit. Need to check a few cameras too, hoping some more bucks are starting to show up!
I spent the weekend planting 2 small plots and other chores around the lease. I raised one stand 5' higher and made a couple of mock scrapes. We'll see how they do.
Opening day came and went yesterday pretty uneventful. As I was walking in, as I was about to cross a fence, about 30 yards left of my stand were two does that I alerted and they trotted off. It was thick enough that they didn't spook real bad but I didn't see any the rest of the night. It did feel good to be back in the woods and saw a beautiful sunset through the broken clouds.
Well boys, looks to be a calm morning with winds turning to SSW @ 5-10 mph. So... I'll be sitting in the same stand that I shot my doe from last year (Sunday night of opening weekend). I'll only hunt the AM, because we have some guests checking in, and I told my wife Sara that she could hunt the evening sit. So in 12 hrs, I'll be in my stand! I'll give an update of the morning events sometime around noon. The time has come... it's on!
Good luck Fitz!! Go get'm!! We need a text message phone list so word to the team can get out right away!!!
Stopped by the office of Todd and Justin today. Picked up new arrows and some gear! Will be getting them all dialed in this weekend. Now to wait for the October 1st. opener!
Well, my 1st sit was great... there's just something about siting in a tree and watching the woods come alive. About 7:30 I could hear a deer making it's way behind me, up on the ridge 50 yards to the SE. It's still so thick that I couldn't see if it was a doe or buck. It took its sweet time and made its way to the back of the ridge, where there's a large bedding area. I could hear it picking its way along for nearly 20 minutes, so I'm 90% certain that it didn't bust me. Just before 9:00, I could hear something shuffling along. Soon enough I could see two grouse making their way towards me. I swapped arrows out and waited. The 1st grouse made his way to the top of a boulder in a slight clearing, but he was behind a small tree trunk. I drew back. Soon he peaked his head out from behind the tree. My shot missed his head high, by only an inch... Damn! Shortly after he flew off, his companion followed. I sat for another hour, but then I needed to get back to the Lodge so I could get our boats ready for guests checking in today. So, I got down, retrieved my arrow, and headed back. I saw 4 more grouse on my short walk to the Lodge. I'm swapping my T-3 Arrow web quiver for my wife's T-5. Apparently, I'm going to need more than one grouse arrow when I sit this season! All in all a great sit. Now I'm pumped for Sara's sit tonight.
Good luck to Sara tonight! Under 2 weeks for me now!! Can't wait to get the new arrows dialed in this week!
jFergus7- 847-436-2300 Mo_bowhnter - 636-236-9096 Txjourneyman-903-292-7014 Fitz- 218-343-2778 I'm headed out to find some does in about 45 minutes. Family is coming this weekend, so I don't think I'll be able to get out much. I'll let you guys know if something good happens!