Justin is a hell of a guy to meet too. Funny as they come and a good amount of knowledge and story to tell over a few beers.
Fitz...I hunt Southern Bayfield county, but a friend of mine has a 40 i hunt over by long lake area in the township of madge...I hunt mostly on my Dads property in Namekagon and the Cheq Nat Forest...
That's some beautiful areas! So where is everyone hunting this year? Fitz- MN (St. Louis Co.), (WI, Washburn Co. w/ rifle) Justin- TXjourneyman- Jfergus7- Buck Magnet- Mo Bowhnter- jkcmerg- FullDraw-
I will be in Wisconsin, Illinois and for 1 week in West Virginia. Hoping to take my doe in WV. No good bucks worth shooting!
If there's no good bucks worth shooting, why go?? EDIT - I'll be hunting IL - Lake Co, JoDaviess Co, Pike Co, Brown Co
fitz I live and hunt in St. Louis Co. , MO. Also hunt Franklin, Dent and up in various counties in north MO.
Looks like we'll get a fairly diverse spread. Fitz- MN (St. Louis Co.) Justin- IL (Lake Co, JoDaviess Co, Pike Co, Brown Co) TXjourneyman- Jfergus7- WV Buck Magnet- Mo Bowhnter- MO (St. Louis Co, Franklin, Dent) jkcmerg- FullDraw-
Looks like we'll get a fairly diverse spread. Fitz- MN (St. Louis Co.) Justin- IL (Lake Co, JoDaviess Co, Pike Co, Brown Co) TXjourneyman- Jfergus7- WV Buck Magnet- Mo Bowhnter- MO (St. Louis Co, Franklin, Dent) jkcmerg- WI..(Bayfield Co., Washburn Co.) FullDraw-
Fitz- MN (St. Louis Co.) Justin- IL (Lake Co, JoDaviess Co, Pike Co, Brown Co) TXjourneyman- Marion county in east Texas and Jones county in west Texas Jfergus7- WV Buck Magnet- Mo Bowhnter- MO (St. Louis Co, Franklin, Dent) jkcmerg- WI..(Bayfield Co., Washburn Co.) FullDraw
I'm going to the lease tonight. I've put in about 35 hours of OT this week and I need a getaway. I have to put in a water tank and pump to service 4 travel trailers out there. That and some new lights in the cook shack. I'll also hang one more stand.
This AM it was 41 here in Ely, I've got the itch so bad right now! It's going to be 38 tomorrow morning...
Well guys, I finally got around to setting my camera up in my honey hole property. I am gonna give it a week or two before I check it.... hopefully I get some nice'uns on there. My buddy and I checked his camera yesterday on another property and got two, maybe three shooters... the rest were little spikes.
Full Draw Checking in Hey guys, sorry for the delay. I haven't been able to check the thread much. Here are my details: Age: 32 Live in Northern IL Wife & 2 Kids (Girl 6 / Boy 3) Have a small 20 acre piece in Sawyer Cty (Hayward, WI) that I hunt as well as a lease in JoDavies Cty, IL. Job: Marketing/Graphic Design
My weekend in the woods was great. finally felt some cool air after 100 degree temps for a couple of months. Now I know summer will end.
Its been cool here for awhile...It's actually worse because it brings on the feeling of the season right around the corner WAY too soon.
Hi Brian..welcome...where abouts in Sawyer Co??...i live in cable just 17 mile North of Hayward....and work in hayward and spooner...
I was noticing some erratic arrow flight while practicing the other day, so I completely re-tuned yesterday and I'll be... a well tuned bow is a beautiful thing!:D My wife Sara started shooting again. She hasn't touched her bow since last Oct. After her first 3 arrows, she was slinging them in groups the size of quarters. Funny how that works I'm hoping to get her first whitetail harvest filmed this fall. It's cool to see her start to get excited again.