Hey Guys...looks like a respectable team..thnx fitz for the Avatar... Jeff Mergen Cable, Wi...way 'up nort', but not as far as Fitz.... 41..been bowhunting seriously for 4 years now in Bayfield and Sawyer County.. 3 kids, 1 wife..(knock on wood)... Car salesman...(dont take anything i say seriously...) i'm addicted to this sport as anyone...lol...looking forward to Sept 12....
You guys ought to meet up with raceway for your new concrete shoes sooner then later... You know end the inevitable misery now. :D
Don't listen to any of these naysayers...with justin's super duper mod powers we are destined to do well!
Looks like a good group we have!!!! Sorry I haven't been on the forums lately but still recovering from the shoulder incident! Doing much better and getting gear ready! Love the new avitars! Changing mine now!
I did take just a few shots last week. It actually felt pretty good but I could still feel a little tension. So going to give it another week or two then should be in good shape.
Don't worry about me this year!!! I have a feeling it is going to be a good year! Many factors have improved all which will help! New job- More time in the woods New Location- Known for some great bucks Another year- More experience and knowledge after taking first deer that I didn't have going into last year
So when can you all start shooting? Me? Game on Sept 19th! 37 days 11 hours 29 minutes and 51seconds from now I can shoot:D FYI I started a discussion in the Team Two social group, in case you want to be covert about any messages
I'm hoping to go check/move my trail camera either tonight or tomorrow. Tons of does, but I'm having trouble tracking down the bucks in the early season... 1 camera+2000acres=tough to cover
My season starts Sept. 15th. I have to work all week but hopefully I'll be out for several night sits in the early season before it starts getting dark too early.
Although I thought it would be impossible.... But, this thread actually does suck worse than the last time I stopped by