My season opens back up next wednesday and I'll be out thanksgiving morning. I'll be shooting the next doe that walks by and I'll hunt the rest of the season for a buck that will top the 83"er I shot last year. Ready to get back in the woods!
Goodluck guys.... I am done for the season.... I really wish I hadn't slacked off and picked up a doe tag this year, my property actually has a decent group of doe on it this year. I will be out with my fiance the rest of the season trying to get her a buck!
Any updates?? I just finally got around to adding my buck to the score card so we picked up a few more inches but we need a slammer to really get us up there. Come on guys, it's not over yet!!!
Well boys, I'm back from the WI rifle season. I got a doe last Sunday but didn't even see a buck. Of course, I got sick and wasn't able to go out for more than half the season. I'd be more pissed about it, but I do have 3 deer in the freezer now. My cousin stuck a 7pt the weekend before with his bow, and my brother and dad both shot nice 8ptrs during gun season. So all in all it was a good year in WI, even though our sightings were down quite a bit. Sounds like numbers were down statewide though, it'll be interesting to see what they end up at.
I was out all weekend, from Thusday night through Sunday morning without seeing much. Had a couple of small bucks in sight but they wouldn't meet my counties antler restrictions. No one in my hunt club has dropped a good buck yet and that includes the gun guys. I have until January 3rd to get it done but its getting tough out there. In the interests of marital harmony I won't be going to the lease this weekend. I have been away from home every weekend since Sept 26-27th. I have a few chores that need catching up. That will give me just 3 more weekends to hunt. The pressure is on.
Got completely skunked today. Other then 3 annoying squirels and a woodpecker that loved the tree I was in I didn't see jack****! Hitting up the Raceway next week so we will see how that goes!
I didn't hunt but one sit this past weekend. Saw 2 does and thats it. I'll be back out from Thursday to Sunday. With the holidays coming up and several big projects at work, this may be my last real chance.
Greg - good luck connecting while you still can! Got a text from Ferg tonight that he may have put 50 points on the board for us. Haven't heard back since, hopefully he found her. I have two big shooters already lined up for next year, provided that they make it through winter. Can't wait for shed season to get here!!!
Ferg's is confirmed, I watched him stroll onto the deck of the treehouse and smoke it at 3:37pm this afternoon.
He told me he couldn't log into the site and was gonna get the pics and story up today. Haven't heard from him since.
Once fergus gets his entered I'll be the last one left to take one for the team. I'll all but promise a down by jan. 1. If not i owe a sack punch for everyone. I've been seeing deer but just haven't had time to hunt much. I'll most likely be off from Xmas eve until new year so I'll have undistirbed time finally.
Ive been unable to reach him and tomorrow I will head over to his cabin to see if he is there and everything is ok. T
I'll be out again this weekend. I've got 2 more weeks to get it done. Then I'll have to resort to the ML when I can't legally bowhunt.