Heres my doe. I'll be using more vacation days next week. Things are looking good out there and bucks are moving more. I FINALLY saw a couple of shooters moving at dusk and I feel good about my chances of dropping one.
Booyah!!! I am PUMPED UP!!!! They are rutting hard boys, Any time is a good time. Saw him on the road yersterday @ noon and shot him today @ 1:05.
Justin, Didn't you recommend a taxidermist by you earlier this year? I can't find it here. Could you copy me his website? Thanks!
Great to see the team starting to put up some scores. Still need Justin's buck added but we are quickly gaining ground. I will be out all of next week. Looking to take a week and head south. And still hoping to get out a little bit this week.
Soon as I can get some points on the board. Looking to hunt 5 straight days next week. All day sits! Hoping for a good outcome!
Congrats again Justin on the new buck! Great year buddy! 9 days until the Fitzgerald Boys invade the Prime in Trego!
Way to go Fitz, that's a great buck!!! Wish I could join you boys at the Prime, but I'll be here in IL filming for Mike hoping to get a buck down on film before the season ends. I wish my 2nd buck counted for our score, but the first will have to do! I'll be posting my score in the next day or two. Need to catch up on some sleep and some work. Congrats to Greg as well, 50 points certainly helps! Now Ferg.....get out there and kill!!!!!
I'll be hunting from Friday evening until Tuesdat evening and should really see some chasing. Bucks on camera are starting to move more in daylight and they have some swollen necks. I have seen 2 shooters now using a creek crossing that I'll be waiting on in my climber. That and the cold front we are expecting makes me feel pretty good!
Congrats ButtonBuck!!! Another 50 points for Team 2! And the Fergie Clause adds a few points again! LOL Congrats again!
I will be out Tuesay though Thursday for sure and hoping to get out this weekend if I can but it is IL gun weekend so not sure that will happen yet. Looks like a wet week coming up. What's everyone else up to this week?
Well, I'm pretty much done for the MN bow season. I head to WI this weekend with Fitz, Fitz, Fitz & Fitz for rifle season :D(Dad, Brother, Uncle, Cousin). Last chance to add meat to the quickly filling freezer. I'll be there for the whole 9 day season save 24hrs for Thanksgiving back in Duluth. Have some ice on the lake this AM. Got down to 20 last night. I suppose I'll go collect my water access stands today, or I'll have to wait until I can use the snowmobile. My deer are butchered and my cape is at the taxidermist (4-6 months). I can't wait to get the Count back. I'm doing a Wall Pedestal Mount. Should look great. It'll be the pose he gave me right before I sent the arrow on its way. It'll look something like this. Anyway, good luck to all who are headed out this week. There's still plenty of time to get it done! I can't wait to see where we stand when the scores are updated.
Good luck on your trip to WI. I fired up my snowmobile the other day and got it running. Was nice when it fired on the second pull! Now time to get out the ice fishing gear and start getting that ready!
It doesn't give us anymore points but I'm proud of this one.
Congrats on the trad doe Greg, that's badass! Now if we can get Fergie to go kill something instead of just talking about it we'll be in business. :D