Good luck this weekend Tx! Spend all day yesterday and all morning on stand and nothing. Had a small doe bust me this morning not 5 minutes after getting in my stand. And saw a nice buck about 400 yards and that was it. Back at it next week!
Well, my hunting buddy (augustice) gets here tomorrow afternoon. I'm jazzed to have another hunter here, it's getting me pumped up again! 4 days of hardcore hunting, with perhaps a break to watch the Vikes & Pack go at it. Ferg, that was a great lookin' buck! I bet you're anxious to get back out there.
I am anxious. Sucks that it is on public property. However it is in a spot that nobody hunts so i will be after him next week!
Well boys, what's going on here?????? Where's all of the dead deer at?? As I'm sure you've all seen/heard/read about I did manage to put the hurt on a buck last weekend. Not quite as big as I would've hoped but he's dead none the less, and I'm excited about it! I have the score sheet at home, I'll get it posted up this weekend now that my internet finally works again. The rut is coming up and I'm expecting some of you ladies to but some bucks on the ground!!
Congrats again on the buck JZ! Will definetly be after them again next week! Good luck to everyone this weekend!
I am not this weekend. Would like to be but have my kids so busy with trick or treating today and a party at my place. Then tons to do tomorrow and have to get them home in the afternoon.
Pretty slow weekend here. Went out Saturday AM, didn't see a deer. Checked two of my cameras and nothing too exciting on either of them. Few small bucks and some does. Went to the Northwestern/Penn State game on Sat night with the wife and her family, slept in this morning, then went out tonight and saw nothing again. Felt good to recharge the batteries, got a 6 day trip planned starting next Saturday!! Anyone else?
I didn't get to hunt much. Tanner shot a doe Sunday AM so I got out Sunday evening. I saw the biggest buck from stand since I took up a bow. I am dedicating the rest of the season to him. The rut hasn't started here yet, I know where he is bedding, I know at least one trail he is using, and I know where the does in the area are moving. My guess is he goes about 130. I have 2 more months to try to get it done. The drawback? Our gun season starts Saturday. I'll have to deal with more pressure although those guys usually sit in boxblinds over feeders. I just hope that 8 doesn't get too dumb during the rut and follow a doe to a feeder.
Heys guys. I haven't been out as much this as years past due to new job but I've been seeing deer almost every hunt. Passed on a doe sunday night standing in the same place I missed the other one but held off looking for a buck. Didn't see but he slipped after dark and when my bow hit the ground he took a couple gallops and A buck snort and sounded like a damn horse. His tracks are huge and are all over this creek bottom. I won't get out again until this weekend but I'll be sitting in this draw hunting this guy. I also have a mock scrape behind me that is getting action so it's looking up. I'm going to set a camera in the draw this evening and see if I can catch him coming through. I'll keep you guys posted.
Change of plans! Videoing my brother for opening day of MN rifle season, then I'm going after this dude!!!!!
Awwesome buck Fitz! I had a great sit tonight. SAw a nice buck and he came from where I saw two does walk and thought that was kind of weird. Well about 2 mins later I hear crashing and grunting. A bigger buck must have chased off this one. He chased a doe for about 10 mins with non stop grunting. Problem was all the action was behind two big cedars and I never saw him. The action is hot even though it was 75 degrees today. I'm done now until after gun season so I won't get back out til thanksgiving morning. Luckily this spot doesn't get heavy pressure so I'm optimistic about late season.
Posting from my phone. I got a small doe tonight. I'll post pics monday or tuesday. I'll be hunting til monday night.
Congrats to all that have scored.... As for me... my week off was pretty slow... saw two small bucks Monday evening, then saw a possible shooter Wed. morning,.. not a single deer after that. Hunting has been HORRIBLE this year, not exactly sure why. I think alot has to do with the property being opened to small game hunters and it will also be opened to rifle hunters. I can't say anything, the landowner has given my family and I years of eclusive hunting, but he has friends asking to hunt the property and can't deny them anymore. I have been frustrated beyond belief, especially when 2 guys squirrel hunting walked directly behind me yesterday evening and went right into the thickest/biggest buck bedding area and let off a few rounds... not to mention finding an arrow with deer hair on it in the woods today (even though nobody is allowed to archery hunt it but my family).
Cool encounter MO. It's nice to hear that there's still action in the hot weather. Congratulations TX! Meat in the freezer! Now the pressure is off and you can stick one of those TX brutes. BM, that truly sucks! It's hard when you've gotten to know and hunt a property and then some D-bags crash through and mess it up. I guess there isn't much to do about it if the land owner wants to let them hunt. Stay at it though, you're luck will turn!
Well Gents, 50 pts on the board from MN. Registers as antlerless, so I can still put more points on the board. I'm just jazzed to have meat for the freezer!