Awesome, thanks for sharing. I was actually thinking about you yesterday b/c we hadn't heard anything. I talked to a group yesterday about planning a trip in the future for rebuilding, planting seeds for when the time comes to help. It is a huge blessing to be involved for sure. Thank you your part in it. Sent from my XT1080 using Forums mobile app
This is awesome! God bless you sir.... Be careful down there. I'm guessing the water is down now. I don't watch the news much. Sent from my SM-S120VL using Tapatalk
EHD has been hitting some counties here in Ohio pretty hard. I haven't found any dead and hoping I don't, but with a lot of the bucks that I know made it through the season last year not showing up, it has me thinking the worse...
Awesome! Glad you had a safe trip and were the blessing some people needed! Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Checked two cameras today, realized I forgot to turn one one, ugh! The other one had this guy w/ some velvet hanging off of him. Sent from my XT1080 using Forums mobile app
This is my #1 buck so far this year on my farm, been following since beginning of July. Unfortunately, he isn't like some of the big ol scoring bucks you all been posting but I'll take it for my farm!
2 weeks and counting! I can't wait is there anyone on the team that is lucky enough to have season start yet? Looking forward to hearing from you guys in the stand. Sent from my XT1254 using Forums mobile app
young buck, but my first shed photo I've gotten before! few other bigger bucks are still velvet, can't wait for hard horns! 10/7 it's going down
well fellas. I pulled the card yesterday. Nothing to brag about. all ladies and children except 1 non legal 4 pointer. he should be a looker next year.
Having hot weather this week in Ohio (high 80's) but looking ahead, the weather for opening day (9/30) doesn't look bad. Low 40's and high in low 60's. Hopefully the weather stays true to the forecast. Acorns are really starting to drop so sighting on foodplots have lowered on trail cams. This weekend I plan on moving some cameras to a couple mock scraps. As of now, this 8pt is on the top of my list
Great looking bucks to all. Sorry I haven't been on much, been a bit hectic the last few weeks. Took my Monster 7 in a few weeks ago for new strings and cables...walked out w a new Halon 32 Lol. Been shooting as often as I can. To top it off my wife and I just announced that she is pregnant w baby number 2! Hope things settle down a bit so I can check stands and hang one more set. Hope to check cams next week. It's normally around now that my bucks start showing up. Sounds like a pretty common theme that acorns are droppi g like mad, have seen the same here. Good luck to all and stay safe! Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
That buck is a beast! Love the long times and mass. Sent from my XT1080 using Forums mobile app
I checked my mini food plots thursday. One was looking ok, the other was eaten to the ground. Sprayed some liquid fertizler on them both and then went back in yesterday and reseeded the one and put a little more seed down on the other. I'm seeing rubs around my plots and I've got a lot of deer hitting my plots. I definitely won't be back in there til season opens. Here's some pictures I got on one of them. The big one came by around midnight. I have an idea where he's bedding based on the pictures I've gotten of him. The other 2 are 3.5 year olds I believe ..... Sent from my SM-S120VL using Tapatalk
That's a nice one! I love getting daylight pictures of shooters near or during season. Sent from my SM-S120VL using Tapatalk
tis' the season! first scrape of the year on the property has been located up on the edge of the top Apple Orchard, haven't come across any rubs yet though.
I have a camera on a community scrape that already has action on it. I'll see if I can upload a few of them. Multiple bucks and doe hitting it. Sent from my XT1080 using Forums mobile app