Sounds good. How's y'alls fall food sources looking? It's going to be another tough hunting year around here because every oak in the area (that's a lot of oaks) is loaded down. The plus side is I've dome a couple spotlight counts now and have seen some decent bucks Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Last year was poor this way regarding oaks, apples and plots but this year has been all positives regarding the apples, oaks and plots. Property's trees are loaded right now
Fall plots are coming along (need more rain) and summer clover plots are doing pretty well. Apple, oak and beech trees are loaded. It will be tough here patterning a buck early. There is food everywhere! I still have 3-4 fall plots to plant. Mostly cereal grain plots with some radish.
We have had entirely to much rain here! Supposed to get more this week... I've got 150ish acres of winter wheat to disk/plant and another 20 of clover and alfalfa. Going to be busy boy the next month and a half Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Good call on the name. Have new plot that looks ok. Just get the others planted and got lucky and FINALLY got some rain. Just hung a cam over what appears to be a community scrape, about the size of a small truck bed. Hope that's the case. Still need to move 2 stands and check the straps on the rest. Will be game time before you know it Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I planted two small plots last week right next to thick cover, right in front of 2 of my stands. I moved cameras in front of both of them. I have a few 3 year olds on camera and a huge 5 year old i think. If the big one stays on the property once season rolls around, I might be just hunting him. Hopefully he stays and uses the food plots. I have 1 more stand to hang and i am hoping to get it hung this week. Sent from my SM-S120VL using Tapatalk
Just planted soybeans and fenced them off so they can get a chance to grow. The plot is about 1/4 acre, half clover I mow and the beans on the other side. Put out 9 cameras on 3 different properties. Got a couple shooters on camera so far.
Hoping to check a couple cams around lunch today. I'll post some pics later. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here is the big one I'm hoping sticks around. Pretty excited about hunting him..... Sent from my SM-S120VL using Tapatalk
Yes he is. I've been hunting this property for about 14 years now and this is by far the biggest buck I've gotten on camera on this ground. I'm hoping he stays around when season opens. I'm guessing him between 170 - 175 inches. I've never hunted a deer this big. I'm blessed to have a deer like this running around on the property I hunt and I'm definitely excited for season to open. Sent from my SM-S120VL using Tapatalk
He have any sort of pattern? Patterning a summer buck is tough but are you getting many pics of him? Find him!
Lol. Yes it is tough...... Honestly I have never seen this deer til I checked my cameras last week, but he walked twice in front of the camera both during daylight. The last 2 years during the first week of season I've had close encounters with mature deer. This year I placed 2 mini food plots in openings in or right next to thickets. One of the food plots was right where I saw a mature buck walk on October 2nd last year. This bucks pattern now compared to October 1st can change alot. I'm going to sneek in as scent free as I can get and pull camera cards around the 15th of September, start driving around there more, and I'm going to glass those fields from a vantage point a few days before season opens. I'm going to try my best to figure him out and pin point him right before season opens. Sent from my SM-S120VL using Tapatalk