Thanks! It has been absolutely amazing. I'll most likely never have a year like this Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Hunted yesterday evening and rattled in a nice 3 yr old mid 120's 9pt with tall brows. On this lease our minimum is 130" or 4yr old+ so he didn't meet either requirement. Most bucks seem to be locked down right now in our area. Be nice to catch one in between does this weekend. Our youth gun season is this Saturday-Sunday, but I'll be out with bow in hand and orange on.
My back has decided that I need to rest for a bit. Shotgun starts tomorrow and I'm off Monday still. Aleaysbtake that day off as several friends bring their deer here for butchering after gun season. Depending on how many I have to work on I might slip out Monday morning. Overall I can't complain. Have been off since the 3rd and have probably spent 75% of the daylight hours since in a tree! Did pass some pretty nice 3yr olds and had my target buck at 43 but the wind got me. Will still get out some but will be switching to mostly waterfowl and coyotes. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Have the last 9 days of Rifle season off starting Friday afternoon - will have the bow for most of it though trying to fill that tag. Seen a fair share of does roaming through and see a nice doe with twin yearlings about everyday I go out. Seen a glimpse of two young/small tined bucks push through quick but no eyes on shooters yet. A buddy took an 8pt we were watching that was tailing a doe so have a feeling my top two are locked down right now. Been snowing quite often but nothing to much accumulated, 1/2"-1" or so in higher elevations of the hills. Have had 8 different young bucks come by a community scrape I located but all small young bucks right now unfortunately. Best of luck to anyone still filling tags out there!
Wife laid em out tonight! They came in together and she put them both down w one shot each. Not now kills but I'm proud of her. Meat in the freezer...more than I have done lol Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Awesome! I love seeing women in the woods having success! Congratulations to her! Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving! Wife is shopping today so I have kid duty. Between the neighbor and I we have seen 6 bucks chasing from our houses! We both put in a lot of time and this is the most rut action we have seen all year. I will be out in the morning for sure. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
1 doe out of range last night and 2 bucks on the way to work this morning. will see what Sunday has to offer
Been hunting hard the past few weeks. No shooters but passed up many nice ones. Took my son out on 11/24 and he made a great 25yd shot on his first deer, a nice 9pt. Took the top of the heart out and fell over in 30 yds. Since our gun season ended yesterday, I’ll be checking cams this week to see if any newbies show up. Seems the way it’s going I’ll be hunting into the late season. Still plan on putting at least 50 on the board with a doe. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
well Fellas its been fun but the season is over for me now. nothing but holiday traveling for the next 4 weeks. good luck to all the late season hunters
Sorry guys not been much of a team mate this year. Had to end my Kentucky hunt early due to the wife not feeling good back in Michigan. Good thing I did come home early, she had a Heart attack the day after I got back. 2 stints and 2 angioplasties later and she feels great now. She did manage to get 2 good bucks for our area with her bow before she went down, an 8 and a 10. The wife had not been home from the hospital a week and her mother had a massive heart attack and we buried her last Saturday, so its been a ruff month. Will post more about my Kentucky trip later.
I'm sorry to hear the bad news. Sure hope the wife is doing better Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk